

ついに!吉野家に牛丼が帰ってくる! 吉野家、9月下旬にも牛丼再開へ 米牛肉の輸入再開を受け、外食・小売業の販売準備作業が本格化する。吉野家ディー・アンド・シーは9月下旬の牛丼販売再開を目指し、米国の食肉加工工場の視察などを進める。 味わうがいい…



Miyazaki Dinner

There were some chicken thighs, so I requested to make chicken namban for dinner and fried chicken for tomorrow's lunch. As I requested, today's dinner was chicken namban. With hiyajiru, it showed as Miyazaki dinner. With running out Tarun…

BBL again

Today we also had the BBL meeting. Brought cold tanuki udon and rice ball, and attended. Today's lecture was realistic and steady characteristics; it was colorful. I asked a question and the answer was very interesting. I expect also for t…


Finally! Yoshinoya's beef bowl will come back to Japan! 吉野家、9月下旬にも牛丼再開へ 米牛肉の輸入再開を受け、外食・小売業の販売準備作業が本格化する。吉野家ディー・アンド・シーは9月下旬の牛丼販売再開を目指し、米国の食肉加工工場の視察などを…


Okuchan baked homemade bread and made a hotdog for today's breakfast. Sandwiched in butter sauteed cabbage, sausage and cheese, with drinking iced coffee. Deli-deli :-)




今日も昼休みはBBL meeting。売店で冷たいネギラーメンとおむすび、お茶を買ってきてお昼ごはんにする。昨日の講師は自分の体験に基づいていろいろ話してくれてすごく面白かったのだけど、今日は普通の勉強会。眠くなってしまった(講師の先生、すみません……




Today 王将 again. Draft beer, two dishes of fried dumpling, Tianjin rice I had. It is danger that 王将 is hardly addictive. A friend of mine came from west Japan said "Well? 王将's dumpling is normally delicious dinner, isn't it?" Oh my...

Cold Green-Onion Ra-men

Today we also had a BBL meeting at lunchtime. I bought a cold green onion ra-men and rice ball, green tea and took them at the meeting. In the case of yesterday, instructor talked almost along with his experiences, but today's were ordinal…

Several Breads

Shared a curry nan, a meat pie and a chocolate danish with Okuchan. "It should be shared because it would be misery if it tasted terrible." said Okuchan, but everything was good as expected!


十夜さんとこ(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/toya/20060725#p2)経由で。あまりに面白かったので、俺もまねっこ(の、まねっこ)ー。 源氏物語 平安版「俺の空」…って評価はあんまりだろうか(笑) 十夜さんも含めて、概して女性は紫の上に同情的だけど、当時の文化を加…




今日からしばらくBBL meeting(Brown Bag Lunch meeting:昼休みにお弁当を持ち寄ってやる勉強会のこと)が催されるので、鳥竜田揚げ弁当を買ってきて参加。もしゃもしゃ喰いながらディスカッション。なるほどねえ、勉強になります。


火曜恒例、ボディパンプ+ボディコンバットショートへ。2週続けてサボってしまったので(主に怪我のせい)、なんと中20日。大丈夫かいな…と思いつつ開始。 まずはボディパンプ スタジオに入ると、流れているのははてな筋肉痛同盟のテーマ曲(のひとつ?)、「…




A friend in Kobe came to Tokyo and had dinner with my family. Okuchan got rattled which restaurant we took her, and finally chose ナビィとかまど. She said she had never had Okinawa cuisine, so it would be good choice for her. They had a lo…


From today, BBL meeting*1 will be held for a while. Attended with Chicken Tatsuta lunch box, and discussed with eating it. I could learn a lot from the meeting... *1:means "Brown Bag Lunch" meeting : Discussion or meeting at lunchtime that…

Tuesday's Bodypump and Bodycombat

Went to gym and attend Bodypump master-class and Bodycombat short-class as Tuesday usual. I blew off 2 weeks in a raw (mainly because of knee injury), so today's Bodypump was after 20 days' rest. I wonder I could do enough, but attended. B…

Bak Kut Teh Again

I poured hot-warmed bak kut teh on the rice and had it. It is said that bak kut teh was originally intended for breakfast, but at first I felt it's amazing that Singaporeans eat it for breakfast as usual. Come to think about it, bak kut te…


帰ってみると、今日はバクテー♪ そしてタイ風もやしとひき肉のサラダ♪ 青島ビールを飲みつついただく。ほろほろに崩れるリブと、柔らかく煮られたにんにくのかけらがうまうまー♪ 明日の朝も喰って行こうっと♪





Bak Kut Teh

I came back home, and today's dinner was bak kut teh :-) And Thai-style bean sprout and ground beef salad :-) With drinking Tsingtao beer! Easily melting ribs and soft-boiled pieces of garlic were deli-deli :-) Tomorrow I will have them fo…


Lunch at newly opened pho restaurant "MotMot". They have 2 kind of chicken pho; Hanoi-style(plane soup) and Saigon-style(star anis and cinnamon flavor), I chose Saigon style. Putting on herbs and condiments on the table and had it. Nampla-…

Corn Wheat Bread

We still had a lot of corn wheat bread, so it was today's breakfast. Okuchan asked me "How about egg?", then I answered "Soft-boiled egg like Cagliostro, please." Okuchan served me an egg that cooked almost as I requested (Okuchan said she…




朝寝坊して10時過ぎになってやっと起き出す。もう朝ごはんと言うよりはブランチの時間だねえ、と言いつつごはんの準備。 昨日たっぷり作っておいたタコミート。タコスの翌日は当然タコライス♪ 温かいごはんと温かいタコミートの間にチーズをたっぷり挟んで、…


We should eat eel on Cow day in Doyo term. Therefore, today's dinner was hitsumabushi. Unfortunately we could not buy wasabi root, we prepared domestic eel and homemade soup stock. I also bought grilled liver sold at supermarket; it was fo…