

今日もちゃっちゃと帰宅。異動してから仕事がちょっと楽になったなー。 帰ってみると、「今日は何が何でも魚にしなきゃと思った」という奥ちゃんの談で、太刀魚の煮付け。水菜のサラダと、ワカメと豆腐のおみそ汁も添えて。例によって樽生をいただきつつ魚を…




今日はパンの朝ごはん。宮崎で買ってきたマンゴージャムと、DEAN&DELUCAで買ってきたパッションフルーツカードを食べる。「卵も焼きますかー?」と奥ちゃんに問われたけど、そこまではまあいいや、と、パンとアイスコーヒーだけで。 トロトロのマンゴージャ…

Cutlass Fish

I also went off work on time today. After moving my division, my job got a little bit lighten. Today's dinner was cooked cutlass fish; According to Okuchan, "I thought we have to eat fish at any expense." With Mizuna salad, miso sopu with …

Deep Fried Conger Eel

I had deep fried conger eel set at 三州屋. The day before yesterday, That conger eel set looked so tasty that neighbor ate. A moment after, here came the set; 4 piece of deep fried conger eel (almost half of whole conger eel per piece), fr…


Today's breakfast was bread, with mango jam bought at Miyazaki and passion fruit curd bought at Dean & Deluca. "Do you need eggs?" said Okuchan, but actually I didn't need them; so just bread and iced-coffee. Melting mango jam, it was deli…






自家製クリームパンをいただく。お供にアイスコーヒー。もう残りこれだけになったクリームパンを、名残惜しみつついただく。うまうま♪ 奥ちゃん、また作ってねー。

BBQ At Home

Tomorrow is my birthday and have celebrate dinner today in advance. Bought some better meat than as usual; today's dinner is BBQ at home after a long interval. Prepared great marbling beef, skirt and pork neck. On vegetables side, welsh on…


By my son's request, today's lunch was nachos. Remain taco meat was in the refrigerator, so topping it on the nachos. Take tortilla out from the freezer, rolled taco meat and vegetables and had it. My son ate a lot of nachos because he lik…

Cream Bread

For breakfast, we had homemade cream bread with iced coffee. The remains were the only for today's breakfast, and I was regret to finish eating them. Deli-deli :-) Okuchan, please make them again!


息子を観ていてもらったとーちゃんと妹と一緒に夕ご飯。太閤園でビールを飲んだくれながら餃子をつついたり定食をつついたり。相変わらずうまうま♪ 一家総出でごちそうさまでした>とーちゃん


劇団四季「オペラ座の怪人」を観る。配役は評判の高いファントムにクリスティーヌに、かなりそれっぽいマダム・ジリー。前回ダメダメだった(調子っぱずれに「ナんてすば〜らしい〜あな〜た〜」とか歌われても…)メグもだいぶ良くなっている。 それにしても…






Joined with father and sister who took care of my son and had dinner together at 太閤園. With drinking beer, we had some fried dumplings and set menus. It was so deli-deli as usual :-) Father, thank you for buying dinner for each and every…

Phantom Of The Opera

Saw "Phantom Ob The Opera" of 劇団四季. Casts were well-respected Phantom and Christine, closer Madam Gillie. Former worst Meg (sang as no ear for music at first...) got much better. This time, Christine seemed to be a vamp! After seeing t…

Chicken & Bean Curd

Today we were going to see Phantom Of The Opera. At first we were talking to have lunch at remade Mos Burger at Shimbashi, but we noticed we had ketchup taste for breakfast. Therefore we changed our mind and went to 三州屋 to have differen…


We had a hotdog by homemade bread. After eating breakfast, let's go!




今日もBBL meeting。いつも弁当買ってばっかりじゃ不経済だし、今日はおむすび(ごはんですよ入り×2)を持っていくことに。奥ちゃんが昨日揚げておいてくれた鶏の唐揚げと卵焼きも一緒に。味噌汁代わりにミニ味噌ラーメンも喰いつつ、ミーティングへ。ふむ…


金曜恒例、朝ボディコンバットへ。火曜の中20日パンプによる筋肉痛がまだまだ残っているので、今日もステップはお休み…。 で、ボディコンバット 今日はBC25。2曲目のKickin Hardにジャンプキックが結構出てくるのだけど、ムエタイはニー2連発までなのが筋肉…




I had a hunger to Sushi, and Okuchan seemed to be busy for her job, we decided to go to 銚子丸 for today's dinner. I went off work ASAP and joined Okuchan and my son. With drinking draft beer, we ate various 3-pieces set of current campaig…

Rice Ball Lunch Box

Today we had BBL meeting again. It is not economical if I buy my lunch everyday, so I brought lunchbox of rice balls (2 gohan-desuyo rice balls) with fried chicken that Okuchan fried yesterday and rolled egg. Eating with miso ra-men which …

Friday's Bodycombat

Went to gym and attend Bodycombat master-class as Friday usual. I fairly had muscle ache yet caused from Tuesday's Bodypump, I didn't attend Bodystep short-class today. Bodycombat master-class Today's track was BC25. This truck has a lot o…


Today it was gym day and got up earlier than usual, Okuchan also got up at the same time because she had a lot of job to do. Seeing OKuchan starting her PC, I had leftover hiyajiru & rice. Deli-deli :-)




今日もBBL meeting。冷やしたぬきうどんとおむすびを買っていって参加。今日は比較的地に足の付いた堅実な議論で、結構面白かったです。一つ質問をしてみたら、回答も実に興味深いものだったし。明日も楽しみ。