

奥ちゃん特製沖縄そばをいただく。まずは、昼から煮込んでいたという、らふてぇ(皮付き)&同じタレで煮込んだ厚揚げ、そしてもやしと卵の中華風炒めで、御酒(うさき)を開けて乾杯。うまうまー♪ そしてメインの沖縄すば。らふてぇも2個載せて、1玉半ほどいた…


昼休み後すぐに外出の予定があったので、じゃあ早飯が食えるところにしよう、と、座るより早く飯が出てくることで有名な(?)ととやへ。北海道ぶり刺身のセットをいただく。小雨模様なのもあってか、なんだか空いている。 この店にくるといつも思うのだけど、…


すっかり熟してしまったバナナが2本。奥ちゃんがこれを加工して白いバナナミルクを作ってくれる。これを飲みつつ、巨大なチーズパン切り分けてみんなでシェア。目玉焼き、ソーセージ、温野菜も添えて。コーヒーも淹れる。 バナナミルク、うまうま〜♪

Okinawa Noodle

We had Okinawa noodle that Okuchan specially made. At first, we had soy sauce cooked diced pork (with skin) that Okuchan had cooked from the afternoon, and fried bean curd & boiled egg cooked with the same sauce. We also drank 御酒. Deli-d…


I had to go out just after the lunchtime. I decided to go somewhere that lunch would be served quickly, and went to ととや; it was famous that they served lunch earlier than I had a seat. I had Hokkaido yellowtail sashimi set. Due to rainy…

White Banana Milk

We had two ripe bananas; Okuchan cook them into White Banana Milk. We had it, and shared huge toasted cheese bread, fried egg, sausage, and boiled vegetables. I also brewed coffee. Banana milk was deli-deli :-)










Due to the long meeting, it had already been 8pm when I went out of my office. When I made a phone call to Okuchan, she said my son and she already had eaten their dinner. I intended to stop over on the way and go shopping at Yodobashi Cam…

Mori Set

I wanted to have some noodles for lunch and I went to Pasta de Coco; there were a long waiting line in front of there. Around 10 people was waiting. I gave up to have something there and looked for something other. When I was wandering aro…

Horse Mackerel

Yesterday Okuchan went to a certain supermarket that their price was so cheap with no reason. She bout some horse mackerels there and made dried horse mackerel; we had it for breakfast with boiled spinach and pork miso soup. Deli-deli :-)






火曜恒例、ボディパンプ+ボディコンバットショートへ。食あたりでまる1週間休みにしちゃったし、ここんとこパンプは2週間に1回ペースになっているのが微妙に悲しいなあ。そして来週も休館日…また中1週間空いてパンプかよ…。 まずはボディパンプ 今日はさよ…


先週、腹をこわして食えなかったミルクフランスを奥ちゃんが改めて買ってきてくれた。というわけで今日はリベンジ。お供にコーヒー。うまうま♪ 先週結局食えなかったシーフードパイも、そのうち…!

Grilled Mackerel

Today's dinner was grilled mackerel. We also had the last boiled tendon with ponzu sauce. The attendant drink was Yona-yona ale. At last, we had pork miso soup we still had enough and rice. Fatty mackerel was deli-deli :-)

Declaration for Fully Recovered

By no means, I had to be fully recovered; I decided to have something that I could say I was fully recovered if I could eat it. Then, I had to go lunch at 王将! I had Tianjin-fan, fried dumplings and mini sauteed vegetables. Deli-deli :-) …

Tuesday's Bodypump and Bodycombat

I went gym and attended bodypump master-class and bodycombat short-class as Tuesday's usual. I took a rest whole last week because of food poisoning, and it was sad that I attended bodypump class once in two weeks in these days. Next week …

Milk France

I couldn't eat milk France last week because of food poisoning, and Okuchan bought it again. Today this was revenge to have it, with coffee. Deli-deli :-) I also wanted to have seafood pie i couldn't eat last week!


今日の夕飯は豚生姜焼き+ポテトサラダ。これにごはんと豚汁〜♪ 実に幸せな組み合わせ。キャベツの千切りに生姜焼きのたれを絡めていただくと、うまうまー♪ これに白いごはんを頬張って、豚汁なんかすすり込んだ日にゃあ、あーた、もう! 思わずお代わりして…


医者に寄りつつちょっと遅刻して出勤。ついでにコンビニに寄って昼の弁当を買っていく。案の定昼になってもメールの整理が終わらず、席で飯を食いつつ仕事。 今日はミニ鶏五目弁当と、ベトナムフォーをチョイス。このフォー、インスタントのクセに、なんかこ…


残っていたバケットでフレンチトースト。お供にコーヒー。カルピスバターを添えていただくと、うまうまー♪ パンがちょっと堅くなっていて、息子は噛み切るのに難儀している模様。

Pork Set

Today's dinner was pork ginger and potato salad, rice and pork miso soup. This menu was wonderful combination. Shredded cabbage with pork ginger sauce was deli-deli :-) In addition, how happy I am to have it with rice and pork miso soup! I…

Mini Chicken Bowl & Vietnam Pho

I went to a doctor on the way to my office, and I also bought my lunch on the way. As I forcasted, I couldn't finish reading my e-mail until afternoon, and I kept working with having lunch at my desk. Today I bought a mini chicken bowl and…

French Toast

Okuchan cooked some French toast from leftover French bread. We had it for breakfast with coffee. The French toast with Calpis butter was deli-deli :-) The bread became a little bit hard and my son seemed to be in trouble to have it.




唐突にモスバーガーが食いたくなって、「…モス?」と提案してみる。奥ちゃんも息子も異論のあろうはずもなく、買いに行くことに。そして奥ちゃんは家でいちごシェイクを作ってくれる。 モスチキンうまー♪ フレッシュバーガーうまー♪


ちょっと朝寝坊の今朝。「ごはんと味噌汁で朝ごはんにしましょう〜」と言うてみたら、ごはんを炊いて、ほうれん草と茄子の味噌汁を作ってくださる。素晴らしい。 他にも黒たまごとか、ねぎ鮭和えとか、いぶりがっことか、チーズ入りのかまぼことか、いろいろ…