



午前中ずっと来客があって、疲れ果てて昼ごはん。早めに戻ってちゃっちゃと仕事しよう、と、妙に空いていた小諸そばへ。ミニカツ丼セット(冷やしそば)をいただく。 ミニカツ丼セット、盛りそばになるかと思いきや、冷やしたぬきそばが付いてきた。ラッキー…


奥ちゃんは「餅焼く?」と言っていたけど、豚汁が少しだけ残ってるし、昨日食えなかったたまごごはんリベンジにしよう、と提案する。そんなわけでおたまはんを出してきて、焼き海苔も出して、たまごごはんと豚汁の朝ごはん。お供に抹茶玄米茶。 食後のデザー…


It is end of the month and Okuchan has a lot to do. Then let's go out to have something, and go to 天狗. We drink Beer-Brown with some dishes as usual such as diced steak, yellowtail sashimi, fried little fishes, etc. Today's beer is not c…


As I had a visitor all of the morning time, and I completely tired when I go for lunch. I want to have my lunch quickly and go back to my job; I go to 小諸そば that is unexpected but not so crowded. I have mini pork cutlet bowl set (with c…

Row Egg Rice

Though Okuchan says "Grilled rice cake?", I offer her to have row egg rice because we still have leftover pork miso soup a bit, and I couldn't have it yesterday. As a result, today's breakfast is row egg rice, pork miso soup and dried seaw…


で、2日続けてお利口の相手が微妙にストレスだったので、閉店間際の大丸でちょうど3個だけ残っていたミルクレープをお買いあげ。 まさか、そのせいでライナーに乗り遅れるとは…走ったのに…orz




こないだ大混雑で喰い損ねたとり豆腐を今日こそ喰うのだ、と三州屋へ。煮付けが食いたくて、掲示されていたメバル、キンメどどれにしようかなあ、と迷って、今日は銀ムツの煮付けをチョイス。いつもキンメじゃ芸がないしね(笑) とり豆腐うまうまー♪ 骨付きの…


火曜恒例、朝ボディパンプへ。復帰2週目につき今日から通常負荷に復帰してみることにする。 で、今日もmix。曲は以下の通り。 Rise(Leave Me Alone)(BP54-1) Beds Are Burning(BP53-2) Don't Cry For Me, Argentina(BP49-3) Heaven(BP44-4) Funk I…



To Buy Desert

It is a bit stressed for me to tale care of WISE man two days in a raw, I buy mill-crapes that are left only 3 pieces at closing 大丸. I don't expect that I missed the Liner because of my shopping, even I run!


I also have to take care of a WISE man (the other man from yesterday) at my job today. I inform Okuchan and my son to have dinner by themselves; finally my job finish around 8pm. I wonder what I should have, and decide to go standing sushi…

Chicken & Bean Curd Soup

I must have the chicken & bean curd soup I couldn't have several days ago because of too crowded; I go to 三州屋. I want to have cooked fish, and select the big-eye set, choice from other fish like rockfish or alfonsin. It is not interesti…

Tuesday's Bodypump

I go to gym and attend bodypump master-class as Tuesday's usual. It is the second week from my return, I set my burden as usual from today. Today's song is also mix. The list is as below: Rise(Leave Me Alone)(BP54-1) Beds Are Burning(…

Topping Rice

As we have leftover rice and pork miso soup, I eat them for breakfast. I think row egg rice is too heavy and have rice with noritama topping. Deli-deli :-)


雀皇さまと見つけたり。 家長〜。残ったもの食べちゃって〜。 家長〜。ゴミ出してきて〜。 家長〜。ビール〜。


奥ちゃんから「今日はチキン南蛮だよ〜」と予告があったものの、仕事でお利口の相手でだいぶ遅くなる。もう付き合ってられん、と帰って*1、家でチキン南蛮。樽生ブラウマイスターを飲みつつ、たっぷりのタルタルソースをかけていただく。うまうま♪ もともと…




虎汁すすりがてら、その近くのパン屋「かのん」で買ってきたグラタンパン+ベーコンエピをいただく。お供にコーヒー。うまうま♪ この「かのん」、安くて旨くて実にいい店。500円で1個押してくれるスタンプカードがあるのだけど、500円買うのなんて、ものすご…

What The Master Of A House Is

In my opinion, it is same as Master Of Marjong! Master, eat everything left! Master, throw the garbage! Master, beer please!

Chicken Namban

Okuchan announced me in advance that today's dinner would be chicken namban, but I have to fight against a WISE man at my job; I get to be a bit late as a result. Finally I think I don't sink to his level and come back home*1 to have chick…


I wanted to have champon and go to ながさき. When I see the menu in front of the restaurant, the ordinary champon is \780, and the set of champon and half fried rice is \800. I'm surprised that I can have additional half fried rice for onl…


On the way to haveing Tiger soup, we bought some bread such as gratin bread and bacon epi at かのん, and have it for breakfast this morning. Attendant drink is coffee. Deli-deli :-) Speaking of this "かのん", it is very good store because …



外で遊んでいる息子がいったん帰ってくるも、「早くお昼食べてまた遊びに行くー!」と、ありものを食べてまたすぐに遊びに行ってしまった。ありゃまあ、お昼はラーメンにでもしようと思ったのに…。 それでもラーメンが食べたいねえ、と奥ちゃんと話して、ほ…


久しぶりにミスドでドーナツを買ってきて朝ごはん。ラッキーなことにちょうど100円セールをやっている。今日はエビグラタンパイとポン・デ・クランチショコラをいただく。お供にコーヒー。 クランチショコラ、ポンデリングの中に詰まったチョコペーストに、…

Grilled Chicken

At first we intended to have chicken namban, but Tiger soup(means ra-men of 虎の穴)suffers us and we are not so hungry. We change our mind to have dinner lightly. I grill only one piece of chicken thigh on skillet, and serve the leftover…


My son playing outside from the morning once comes back to home, but he says "I'll go to play again after having lunch as soon as possible!", and go out to have something. Oh, I intend to have ra-men or something for our lunch... Okuchan a…


I go to buy some donuts at Mr. Donuts for breakfast after a several interval. Fortunately, they are on sale of donuts for 100yen. Today I choose shrimp gratin pie & pon-de chocolate crunch. Attendant drink is coffee. Chocolate crunch has s…