



昼の電話当番につきコンビニ飯を買ってくる。小さめののり弁当と、味噌汁がわりに味噌ラーメンを一つ。これでも、きんぴらだのキャベツだのが入ってる分野菜採れるお昼を選択したつもりなのだけど…外食でサラダ以外の野菜喰うのって本当に難しいな。 ジャン…


奥ちゃん特製ローストオニオンベーグルをいただく。バターを塗って軽くトーストして、クリームチーズと生ハムを挟んで。お供にコーヒー。 これが、実にうまうま♪ ベーグルに炒め玉ねぎのコクが良く出ている。まだ1人1個あるので、金曜のジム前にでも食べて行…

Send-Off Party

My colleague having a seat next to me is supposed to go studying abroad, and out team is holding a send-off party. According to her, her parents are protective enough to worry her travel, so we think how to persuade them during we are drin…


I buy something for lunch at convenience store because I am in charge of taking telephone call during lunchtime today; small size seaweed lunchbox, and miso ra-men instead of miso soup. I make an effort to choose something that has vegetab…

Homemade Bagel

I have roasted onion bagel that Okuchan specially made. I spread butter on the bagel, and sandwich cream cheese & prosciutto ham. Attendant drink is coffee. This is really deli-deli :-) This bagel has rich taste of roasted onion! We still …


「今日は魚を食べようと思って」と奥ちゃんが用意したのが、鮭の和風バター焼き。炒めキャベツとともにいただく。他にもやしの和え物、ほうれん草のごま和え(残り)、肉じゃが(残り)、豆ごはんなど。ドラフトワンとともにいただく。 脂の乗った鮭がうまう…




火曜恒例、朝ボディパンプへ。まだ一昨日の筋肉痛が微妙に残ってるので、効きそう。 で、ボディパンプ本編 今日はBP59の通し。いつ以来だろう、と思ったら、11月のさよならBP59以来。回数もそんなにこなしてないし、すっかり忘れてるなあ、と思いながら錘を…


奥ちゃん特製の肉じゃがをメインに朝ごはん。他に、ほうれん草のごま和え、味噌汁、ごはん。 肉じゃがは昨夜、息子が旨い旨いと言いながら食べていたそうで、期待度高かったのだけど…こっくりした味付けでうまうまー♪ やっぱり肉じゃがは牛肉が旨いね。

Grilled Salmon With Butter

Okuchan says "I think we should have fish today" and prepares butter grilled salmon Japanese style. Sides are marinated bean sprout, sesame marinated spinach (leftover), meat & potatoes (leftover), bean & rice, etc. We have them with Draft…


Even I had buckwheat noodle yesterday, I also want to have buckwheat noodle and go lunch to 小諸そば. I have mori-set as usual. This choice is no thought! Even so, it is also deli-deli till the buckwheat boiling soup.

Tuesday's Bodypump

I go to gym and attend bodypump master-class as Tuesday's usual. I still have muscle ache caused by the classes at the day before yesterday, so today's class may be effective. Bodypump Master-Class Today's release is BP59 through. I wonder…

Meat & Potatoes

The main dish of today's breakfast is meat & potatoes. Sides are sesame marinated spinach, miso soup and rice. According to Okuchan, my son seemed to love this meat & potatoes and had it energetically, so I have expected that it must be ta…






おもちか、カリカリか、チーズトーストか、何がいい?と息子に聞く奥ちゃん。息子は間髪入れずに「チーズトースト!」と。 パンはもう分厚いの(1斤の1/3くらい)が1枚しか残っていなかったので、これを1/3に切ってみんなで一切れずつシェア。お供にコーヒー…

Funereal Dinner

I take some sushi or fried chicken at the funereal dinner talking with my relatives I've never seen after a long time. We cannot join together even we have such a case, can we?


As a relative passed away several days ago, I go to funereal getting on my father's car. Though we planed to have ra-men on the way there, but the shop we get forward ○麺堂 is closed with no reason. We have no choice, we take our lunch at …

Cheese Toast

Okuchan asks to my son what to have for breakfast; rice cake, cereal, or cheese toast. My son immediately answers "Cheese toast!". We only have one piece of thick sliced bread, we cut it in 1/3 and share this. Attendant drink is coffee. De…


うちで遊んでた連中と合流して、しちりんへ。今日は大人が一人多いから種類多めに食べられるね、とハーフ3種盛りをいろいろ頼んでみる。結局、豚トロ以外全種食べてしまった…。もちろんにんにくオイル焼きは一人一ついただく。卵焼きまでうまうまー♪ 飲み物…


食後、みんながWiiに興じている間に俺はジムへ。曲をリクエストしちゃった手前、今日はちゃんと行かないとね。そして今日も麦茶の2リットルペットボトルを持ち込む。 まずはボディパンプ どうせまた明後日やるのと、アタックを楽しむために、とで今日はちょ…




昨日買い物している時、奥ちゃんが「明日の朝ごパン…」とつぶやくので、「たまにはベニエはどうだろうか」と提案してみる。そんなわけで今朝はベニエ。お供は、チコリコーヒーでなくて、いつものカークランドコーヒーで。 粉糖をたっぷりかけていただくと、…


I join with the party playing at home, and go to しちりん. We cam have various kinds of meat because we have one more adult than usual, and we order some kinds of 3 kinds of half size assorted. As a result, we have all kinds of meat except…

Sunday's Bodypump & Bodyattack

During everyone is playing Wii, I go to gym. Because I've requested a song to play, I have to go there today! I also take a 2-litter bottle of barley tea. Bodypump Master-Class As I plan to take the same class the next day after tomorrow, …

Cod Roe Spaghetti

Because of her husband's short trip (and her husband is my friend from school...), Ms. Melopen and her daughter come to our home. We discussed in advance what and where we should have, such as cod roe spaghetti somewhere, and finally we de…


When we were at shopping, Okuchan said "Tomorrow's breakfast..."; immediately I recommended "How about beignet?" As a result, today's breakfast is beignet. Attendant drink is Kirkland coffee as usual instead of chicory coffee. Putting plen…




奥ちゃんが「ココスにシロノワールもどきがある!」とどっかで情報を拾ってきたので、じゃあ食べに行ってみようか、とでかけてみる。2月の土日祝はおこさまドリンクバー無料だっつー話だし。 で、いろいろ悩んで、日替わり定食をいただく。土曜日はハンバー…