



そういえば新装開店してから1回も行ってないな、とジャポネへ。なんとインズ3のど真ん中にマクドナルドができていて、奥の方にあるジャポネは全く見えなくなっている。あの店は大丈夫かいな…と覗いてみると今日もすごい列で、安心するやら呆れるやら。 あら…


火曜恒例、ボディパンプ+ボディコンバットショートへ。今日はおニューのジム靴のデビュー戦。ABC MARTで履いたときは、踵がほんの少し余ってるのが気になったけど、今朝履いてみると密着感があって良い感じ。ちょっと底が固いけど、使っているうちにこなれ…


コーヒーを淹れて、サンジェルマンのミートパイを温めていただく。うまうま♪ ミートパイはパイのパリパリ感より中身の温かさ優先、と思っていつも電子レンジで温めていたけど、今日はちょっと温めすぎて、パイ皮がちょっとへたれてしまった。軽く電子レンジ→…

Bonito Tataki

Today's dinner was Bonto Tataki. As Okuchan requested, "We just have one piece of bonito, so please buy some other dishes such as grilled chicken!"; I bought some grilled chicken. Immediately after I bought it, I found fried chicken was so…

ジャポネ after long time

I reminded I didn't go to ジャポネ after their renewal open, and went there. Surprisingly McDonalds opened the very center of the INZ-3 and I couldn't see ジャポネ from the entrance. I wondered they were alive, but there were long long lin…

Tuesday's Bodypump and Bodycombat

I went to gym and attended the bodypump master-class and bodycombat short-class as Tuesday's usual. My new shoes for gym debuted today. Even I felt there were a little bit gap at my heel when I wore this shoes at ABC MART, they fitted my f…

Meat Pie

After brewing hot coffee, I had a warmed meat pie of Saint-Germain. Deli-deli :-) I usually have a priority for warmness of fillings rather than crispiness of pie-skin, so I warm the pie with microwave. In the case of today, I over-warmed …


どうにも「にんにくのオイル焼き」熱が収まらず、リベンジじゃ、と一昨日入れなかったしちりんへ。行くなりにんにくを頼んで、焼き物をいろいろつまみつつ、黒ホッピーをいただく。うまうまー♪ 電車乗らずにいけるところにあったら毎週のように通っちゃうよ…


鶏から揚げが食べたいなあ、とさまよっていたら、ちょうどチムニーの日替わりが鶏から定食withエビフライ。しかもドリンクバー付き。ここでいいや、と入店する。 いくら居酒屋飯で期待してなかったとはいえ、から揚げもエビフライも冷凍ものってのは、流石に…


豚味噌鍋の次の朝は、お約束通り味噌おじや。今日は卵入り〜♪ 青ねぎと七味をふりかけて、あつあつのところをいただく。毎度のことながら、肉と野菜のエキスをたっぷり吸った、実に滋味深い味噌味のおじやである。うまうまー♪


My fever for "oil fried garlic" was not cured, so I got my revenge to go to しちりん again where I couldn't enter the day before yesterday. As soon as we had a seat, we ordered the oil fried garlic, and drank some black hoppy with grilled …

Fried Chicken

I wanted to have a fried-chicken set and wandered where to eat it, and I found Chimney served fried-chicken and fried shrimp set as today's lunch set at the right time, drink bar included. I decided to have it. Even I had less expectation …

Miso Flavored Congee

The next morning of the pot-cooking pork, the breakfast must be miso flavored congee! :-) Today it was made with cook! :-) Topped some green onion and mixed hot pepper, I had the hot congee. It was, as usual, really flavorful and nutritiou…




具を追加して煮込まれていたおでんをお昼にいただく。前回なくて悲しかったちくわぶ(←マイベストおでん種)や、もう1本買ってきたすじ、ゆで卵が丸々1個入った種ものなどが追加されている。うれしー♪ すっかり味の染みた大根、うまー♪ 思わずお代わりしちゃっ…



Miso Flavored Pot-Cooking Pork

Finally I made miso paste for pot-cooking pork, so today's dinner was miso flavored pot-cooking pork of the first time of the season. This time I put core of Chinese cabbage and green onion in advance in the pot and boiled for a while, and…


Today's lunch was Oden added something more than yesterday; chikuwa-bu that I missed I couldn't have last time, additional beef tendon, boiled-egg stuffed fried minced fish, etc. This is life! Well cooked daikon root was deli-deli :-) I co…

French Toast

Okuchan bought a baguette for making French toast several days ago but it still lied neglected. She finally decided to cook it to French toast for today's breakfast, with crispy roasted bacon. We had it with honey, butter topping and hot c…


なんと珍しいことに、しちりんが満席! 待ってても入れないだろうしなあ、でもホッピー飲みたいなあ、と考えて、さくら水産へ移動。テーブルの上にいっぱいおつまみを並べて、ホッピーで乾杯。ホッピーうまー♪ 刺身うまー♪ 疲れもあって、すっかり酔っぱらっ…


買ったものリスト。 ロマンスカーのチケット 来月箱根に行くので予約しておいたもの。行きも帰りも前展望席〜♪ ジム用シューズ ジュエンBENEXでAVIAのシューズを見る…も、お目当ての靴は在庫がなし。スポーツシューズ2割引セール中のABC MART(すぐ近く)に移…


今日はお買い物におでかけ。何しろ昨日は帰ったら1時を過ぎていたので、盛大に寝坊して、昼前にのんびり出かける。で、錦糸町で降りてブランチを食うことに。 こないだ行って気に入った浅草軒へ。ハンバーグのせドリアをいただく。決して安くはないけど(でも…

Supposed しちりん, but...

Remarkably, しちりん was full of seats! I thought I could not enter even we waited for a while, but I wanted to drink hoppy; so we moved to さくら水産. After put plenty of dishes on the table, Cheers!! Hoppy was deli-deli :-) Meat sashimi …

Shopping, Shopping :-)

List of stuff I bought Ticket for Romance-Car We got front panorama seats both to and from :-) Shose for gym I chose AVIA shoes at Juen Benex, but they didn't have what I wanted. I moved to ABC Mart (just nearby Juen Benex) that they were …


I would go shopping today. After all, I came back home after 1am yesterday, I overslept enough and go out leisurely; we took our lunch at Kinshicho. We entered 浅草軒 I took a liking when last time I came. I ordered rice gratin with hambur…




今日は牡蠣フライを食うのだ、という強い意志を持って三州屋へ。ちょうどカウンターが空いていたので滑り込んで、豚の角煮定食に心揺れつつ、予定通り牡蠣フライ定食を注文。 ほどなくして出された牡蠣フライは、2個揚げと見紛うばかりの大ぶりのものが5個。…


金曜恒例、朝ボディコンバット+ボディステップショートへ。今日は久しぶりに一人。まあ1人で参加しようが3人で参加しようが、曲に乗って大暴れすることには変わりないわけですが…やっぱ微妙に寂しいね(^-^; エソロソが来られなくなった最初の2〜3回もこんな…

