


Mackerel and Chilled Sliced Pork Boiled

Today I also went back home almost on time. The main dishes for dinner was overnight-dried mackerel and chilled sliced pork boiled, and we drunk Tarunama Braumeister. Okuchan set out for the dishes which was used less oil, but actually mac…

Cutlet Curry

I avoided to have cutlet curry for lunch on Friday; it was possible that the dinner on Friday was curry rice. I thought "Today for sure I'm going to have it!" and went to 寅 at Toranomon. The curry sauce seemed that a lot of vegetables wer…

Half awake, and...

We came back from Katsuura late last night, was down among the dead, and I got up on time after a great struggle. I was less than half-awake when I departed my home, so I had a bacon egg burger on the way to my office. Well, I was still sl…


メロペンさんおすすめの食事処池田(鴨川市)へ移動して夕ごはん。安い、旨い、量もたっぷり、の魚料理屋さんだということだったので、期待して出かけていったらあーた、これがすごいのすごくないのって。 大人は定食を1人1つと、あとは刺身の盛り合わせ(4人前…


さんざん遊んだあと、すかいらーくでお昼ごはん。もうお昼を過ぎてだいぶ経つというのに結構混んでいて、かけやま家と我が家で別(といっても隣)のテーブルに案内される。 どうせ姫がお昼寝から起きたら夕飯に行くしね、と、「ライトミール」と書かれたメニュ…


朝食後は、勝浦のホテル三日月のアクアパレスに移動して、みんなで遊ぶ。 息子は今日も泳ぎの特訓。「特訓だ!」と息巻いていたので、息継ぎのコツを教える。ふと気づいて、「泳ぐとき、前を向かないで、下を向いているといいよ」とアドバイスすると、息継ぎ…


昨日朝市で買ってきた鰹を、半身は刺身に、半身は表面を炙って叩きにして、朝ごはん。ごはんには、やっぱりこれも朝市で買ってきた生卵をかけて、たまごごはーん♪ ここでメロペンさんから悪魔の一言、 「たまごごはんにバター落とすと美味しいよね」 と…! …


We moved onto the restaurant that Ms.Melopen's recommend, 食事処池田 at Kamogawa city. She said they were inexpensive, tasty and had much volume, so I was really expected. As a result, it was really amazing!! We ordered one set each for ad…

すかいらーく after a long time

After playing at pool a lot, we went to lunch at すかいらーく. Even it had past several time after lunch time, it was crowded. Kakeyama family and mine was attended another table. Anyway, we were going to have dinner after princess' nap, s…

Flowin' Poo' at Hotel Mikazuki

After breakfast, we went to Aquapalace of Katsuura Hotel Mikazuki and played there. My son was also swimming training today. He got hustle on swimming as "Today is the special training day!", so I gave him a special lesson for breaths. I n…

Bonito Sashimi & Row Egg Rice

We had bonito bought at morning market yesterday; half was for sashimi, and the other half was for tataki. An egg which was also bought at morning market was also topped on the rice. There was a devil's whisper from Ms. Melopen, "It is tas…


そして夜はバーベキューパーティー! 肉4種(牛カルビ、豚スペアリブ、地鶏モモ、ラムラック)やらソーセージやら野菜類やらをいろいろ用意して、炭火を熾して(メロペンさんが異常に上手だった)、ビール飲みつつ焼く焼く焼く。 最初はおとなしく小物を焼い…






For dinner, it was BBQ party! We prepared 4 kinds of meat (beef rib, pork sparerib, chicken thigh, lamb rack), sausages or some vegetables, kindled charcoal *1, and grill, grill and grill with drinking beer! We grilled small stuffs first, …

Pool and Lunch Set

We had a lunch plan coupon of a certain resort hotel; we could get lunch for only pool charge, so we went there. It was a little bit old, but my son who could swim better than before practiced swimming energetically. Yes, your dad will ass…

Morning Market

Shopping at Kastuura morning market that is said one of the three major morning markets in Japan. There were tens of market stalls on the street and various things such as vegetables or fishes were sold there. There also were large turnout…


今夜からかけやま一家とともに勝浦に小旅行。かけやま家に移動して、焼き鳥とかサラダとかの夕飯を頂きつつ行程の相談。こないだ残していった日本酒もついでに処分(冷蔵庫の場所塞げだったらしい…)。 さてほいじゃ、おでかけしますかねー。




金曜恒例、朝ボディコンバット+ボディステップショートへ。火曜日寝坊しちゃってから結局行けてないから、今日はしっかり動かなきゃなあ…。 まずはボディコンバット Eちゃんにしては珍しく、今日はmix。曲は以下の通り。 Shake That / Bom Bom Suenan(BC2…



Step By Step

Due to my travel in weekend, I couldn't finish writing my diary in these days. I'll upload them step by step. I hope I will have time to write. Thank you.

At Kakeyama's

We were going to have a short trip to Katsuura with Kakeyama family. I went off work, moved onto Kakeyama's house, and discussed the itinerary for the trip. I also drunk some rice wine I left over last time I came; it seemed to cumbrance o…


I wanted to have both vegetables and meat a lot, and went to フォルクス. I had "Great Satisfactory Deluxe Value Lunch" (included hamburg steak, grilled chicken, shrimp cutlet) with soup bar and iced coffee. I had a mountain of salad becaus…

Friday's Bodycombat and Bodystep

I went to gym and attend Bodycombat master-class and Bodystep short-class as Friday usual. Because of my overslept on Tuesday and couldn't attend some classes, I had to exercise well! Bodycombat Master-Class Today's track was mix and it wa…


Today I could get up on time; I felt ease. I poured homemade hiyajiru that Okuchan made from baked Kyushu barley miso on the barley rice and had it. It was good breakfast to have in the hot summer morning. Well, today I also will do hard e…





