

なんと東京ドームにトラッキー&ラッキーちゃん登場!盛り上がるレフトスタンド…と、内野席の俺(笑) 初回、下柳の立ち上がりを見てどうなることかと思ったけど、その直後に浜ちゃんの2ランでいきなり逆転!あとはもう一方的な展開。藤本のHRなんて珍しいも…




弟が赤ちゃんを連れてくるというので、みんなで実家に集合。弟の到着よりもずいぶん早めに着いたので、おかーちゃんが用意していたばらちらしの仕込みを手伝ったり。 弟の親馬鹿ぶりというか、猫可愛がりっぷりというか、そんな感じのベタベタぶりをニヤニヤ…


今シーズン最初のホットサンドをいただく。中身をたまちーにして、ビーフシチューを添えて。お供にアイスコーヒー。 さすがに夏は暑くて食べる気…というより作る気がしなかったけど、これからだんだん美味しくなってくる季節だね。

Fine Win!

Surprisingly Tolucky and Lucky came to Tokyo Dome! Left stand was heating up! …and also me at infield seat :-) At the first inning, I wonder Tigers could win this game or not to see Shimoyanagi's starting, but we could see reversal by Hama…

Nano-hana Lunch Box

We ate a lot at lunch that we almost broke our stomach, so we bought to take Nano-hana lunch box for our dinner to Tokyo Dome. We had it after announcement of the starting member and sang Rokko Oroshi.

Chirashi Sushi

We joined together at family home; my brother came with his baby. Our family arrived there far before my brother's family arrived, so we helped mom to make bara-chirashi. After my brother arrived, I saw his blind parental love, or doting o…

Hot Sand

We had the first hot sand of this season. The stuffing was egg and cheese, and had it with beef stew and iced coffee. Though it was hard to eat (or make) during the hot summer, it will become tasty and tasty from this season.