

Due to a certain trouble at home and my coming back home a little bit late, we finally decided to go drinking to 天狗. Diced steak, deli :-) Jumbo chicken cutlet, deli :-) Beer brown, deli :-) Chicken Tsukune I chose for my finish was seas…

Eel :-)

My eel-friend Mr.S and I went to ひょうたん屋 in the heavy rain. We expected that they would be not so busy because of rain, and so they were. Madam asked me "Jou-large?" immediately after I had a seat. Ok, ok, that's good. I don't have a …

Chocolate Danish of Yoku Moku

I had a chocolate Danish of Yoku Moku that Okuchan bought for me. Not so sweet Danish dough and exact amount of chocolate was well balanced. Deli-deli :-)




名古屋を喰うちゃる、というわけであんかけスパを食いに行く。今日は豚キャベツのLを、ノーマルソースでがつがつ食らう。中日もこの調子で食らっちゃるぞごるぁー!! ところでレトルトソースが売られていたので値段をチェック。ソースは1人前210円、麺は18…




At first I thought I would come home late because of my business, but everything went very well and I went off work around 7pm. When I made a phone call to Okuchan that I could come home, she said that today's dinner was carbonara at my so…

Pasta De Coco

I would like to "taste" Dragons of Nagoya, so I went to have one of Nagoya cuisines, Pasta De Coco. Today I had L size with pork and cabbage topping and normal sauce. I also would eat Dragons like this!! They also sold their retort sauce a…


Because I was tired for some reason in these days, I didn't go to gym today and slept well. As a result, I could have my breakfast with my son and Okuchan. The bagel I bought at bagel & bagel was espresso & chocolate again. I amazed I like…


小振りの白菜が一玉あったので、これを食べてしまおうよ、と画策。寒くなってきたし鍋にでもしよう、という話になる。 で、肉屋に行ったら手羽先が安い。手羽先と白菜を煮込むか、と言っているうちに「鶏はもも肉ではないけど、豚も入れてピェンローにしてし…




あんまり残っていないサンドイッチ用のパンを食べてしまおう、とホットサンドをいただく。お供にアイスコーヒー。 今日の中身ははむたまちー。奥ちゃんが買ってきた美味しいハムで作っただけあって、うまうまー♪

Bian Lu

We had a small ball of Chinese cabbage, and we planed to have it. We talked that one-pot dish cooked at the table would be good. When I went to meat shop, wing tip was on sale. At first we were planning to have boiled wing tip and Chinese …

Hui Guo Rou

Lunch at Bamiyan. Today's lunch was chicken chili sauce which I didn't like very well, so I chose Hui Guo Rou set, with plenty of iced pu'er tea.

Hot Sandwich

Today's breakfast was hot sandwich; there were fer slices of road bread and we intended to finish it, with iced coffee. Today's filling was ham, egg and cheese. Hot sandwich was made be a delicious ham that Okuchan bought at a certain shop…


よ〜わい讀賣にまた勝った♪ …と試合終了後のコールはともかく。中日も負けて、これで3ゲーム差! 猛虎原理主義者としては、逆転優勝が一歩一歩近づいてくるのを感じています。とりあえず今週末の対中日3連戦を3連勝してから、だな♪







Win, Win, Win Again!

We won again the game against weak Giants :-) But I digress. Dragons was lost and we became finally three-games deficit! As the fundamentalist Tigers, I feel reversal win is approaching step by step. Everything will start after head-to-hea…

Yun Bai Rou

There were some thick slices of pork back ribs that Okuchan bought at a certain delicious meat shop at Tsukuba, so we cooked yun bai rou style dish. Put some spinach and cucumber under the boiled pork, and we had it with sauce as we like. …

Freshness Burger

Today junior concert was held and my son attended. He seemed to be too nervous, but finally he could completely finished singing. I praised him after the concert, and take him to a little bit late lunch. We were soon going to have dinner a…


Due to the sale of 12 pack of Abura-soba at 東京麺珍亭, I bought it. As a result of hell-overslept today, we had it as our brunch*1. I put boiled pork in a bowl with noodle, mixed them together and had it. I also put a half-boiled egg boug…


なんと東京ドームにトラッキー&ラッキーちゃん登場!盛り上がるレフトスタンド…と、内野席の俺(笑) 初回、下柳の立ち上がりを見てどうなることかと思ったけど、その直後に浜ちゃんの2ランでいきなり逆転!あとはもう一方的な展開。藤本のHRなんて珍しいも…




弟が赤ちゃんを連れてくるというので、みんなで実家に集合。弟の到着よりもずいぶん早めに着いたので、おかーちゃんが用意していたばらちらしの仕込みを手伝ったり。 弟の親馬鹿ぶりというか、猫可愛がりっぷりというか、そんな感じのベタベタぶりをニヤニヤ…


今シーズン最初のホットサンドをいただく。中身をたまちーにして、ビーフシチューを添えて。お供にアイスコーヒー。 さすがに夏は暑くて食べる気…というより作る気がしなかったけど、これからだんだん美味しくなってくる季節だね。

Fine Win!

Surprisingly Tolucky and Lucky came to Tokyo Dome! Left stand was heating up! …and also me at infield seat :-) At the first inning, I wonder Tigers could win this game or not to see Shimoyanagi's starting, but we could see reversal by Hama…

Nano-hana Lunch Box

We ate a lot at lunch that we almost broke our stomach, so we bought to take Nano-hana lunch box for our dinner to Tokyo Dome. We had it after announcement of the starting member and sang Rokko Oroshi.

Chirashi Sushi

We joined together at family home; my brother came with his baby. Our family arrived there far before my brother's family arrived, so we helped mom to make bara-chirashi. After my brother arrived, I saw his blind parental love, or doting o…