

どうにも「にんにくのオイル焼き」熱が収まらず、リベンジじゃ、と一昨日入れなかったしちりんへ。行くなりにんにくを頼んで、焼き物をいろいろつまみつつ、黒ホッピーをいただく。うまうまー♪ 電車乗らずにいけるところにあったら毎週のように通っちゃうよ…


鶏から揚げが食べたいなあ、とさまよっていたら、ちょうどチムニーの日替わりが鶏から定食withエビフライ。しかもドリンクバー付き。ここでいいや、と入店する。 いくら居酒屋飯で期待してなかったとはいえ、から揚げもエビフライも冷凍ものってのは、流石に…


豚味噌鍋の次の朝は、お約束通り味噌おじや。今日は卵入り〜♪ 青ねぎと七味をふりかけて、あつあつのところをいただく。毎度のことながら、肉と野菜のエキスをたっぷり吸った、実に滋味深い味噌味のおじやである。うまうまー♪


My fever for "oil fried garlic" was not cured, so I got my revenge to go to しちりん again where I couldn't enter the day before yesterday. As soon as we had a seat, we ordered the oil fried garlic, and drank some black hoppy with grilled …

Fried Chicken

I wanted to have a fried-chicken set and wandered where to eat it, and I found Chimney served fried-chicken and fried shrimp set as today's lunch set at the right time, drink bar included. I decided to have it. Even I had less expectation …

Miso Flavored Congee

The next morning of the pot-cooking pork, the breakfast must be miso flavored congee! :-) Today it was made with cook! :-) Topped some green onion and mixed hot pepper, I had the hot congee. It was, as usual, really flavorful and nutritiou…