

Today I had a party at 大江戸温泉. Go home until the last train, Kababa!


Today I had a strong will to have fried oyster, and went to 三州屋. I jumped into a counter seat where was just empty, and I wonder if I ordered pork kakuni set but finally I ordered fried oyster set. The set served several minutes later h…

Friday's Bodycombat and Bodystep

I went gym and attended bodycombat master-class and bodystep short-class as Friday's usual. Today there came no colleague and I attended the class alone. Anyway I would do my hard exercise like crazy, but I missed a little bit. I remembere…

Oden Again

I warmed and had some Oden with rice leftover from yesterday for breakfast; fried minced fish, daikon root, steamed minced fish, etc. Well flavored daikon root over a night was really deli-deli :-)


今日はおでーん♪ だいこん、はんぺん、すじ、ウィンナーロール、たまぎょ、などなど♪ よなよなエールで乾杯した後、神亀活性濁りに移行。うまうまー♪ シメのごはんは、金目鯛の粕漬けとともに。とっても和なごはん、いいねー♪


なんだかものすごく旨いものが食べたくて、おとっときの「セピア」へ。ここ、激旨い上に大盛り無料なんだけど、喫茶店だもんで、狭いのとちょっと高いのと喫煙自由なのとが難点なのよね。 で、例によって、オムライス大盛り(白身魚フライ付き)ドミグラスソー…


早朝から会議があって、一人早起きして先に朝ごはん。準備していると「週に3日もひとり朝ごはんは可哀想だろうと思って…」と奥ちゃんが起き出してくる。 が、その時用意していたのがバター醤油ごはん。「可哀想だろうと思ったら、そんな美味しそうなことをや…


Today's dinner was oden :-) Daikon, fish minced and steamed, beef tendon, sausage roll, boiled egg, etc. :-) After drinking Yona Yona Ale, we moved onto 神亀活性濁り. Deli-deli :-) Finish rice was with grilled alfonsino. Truely Japanese di…

Omelet Rice

I wanted to have something really tasty for lunch, and I went to my prized possession, Sepia. It was very good that really tasty and large size charge was free, but the deficits were that they didn't have so many seats, a little bit expens…


Today I had a meeting from the early morning, so I woke up earlier than my family and prepared my breakfast. Soon Okuchan came out from bed and said "You're sorry if you had to have your breakfast alone 3 times a week..." But! I prepared b…


前に買ってきてあった激ウマの牛頬肉が冷凍してあったので、これを奥ちゃんが中華風に煮込みにしてくれて、丼にすることに。茹で青梗菜と、卵とコーンのスープを添えて。 前回煮込みすぎてしょっぱくなったという失敗を生かして、今日はものすごく慎重に煮込…


麺が食いたいな、と思ってさまよった結果、ComPhoに行く。鶏のフォー(pho ga)大盛りをいただく。もやしの香菜和えをたっぷり入れて。 前回食べたごまのフォーはあんまり肉っけがなくて、今日はフォー・ガーにしてみたのだけど、これが大正解。あっさりして…



Soy Sauce Cooked Beef Cheek Meat Bowl

Beef cheek meat that was bought several day ago was frozen, so Okuchan cooked this as Chinese-style, soy sauce cooked meat bowl. Sides were boiled qing-geng-cai, egg & corn soup. Afterthought for failure that she cooked too salty last time…


I wanted to have some noodles and wandering around. Finally, I entered ComPho and had large bowl of pho-ga. I put a lot of marinated bean sprout and coriander in it. Though there was less meat in the sesame-pho I ate last time and I tried …

Stew & Toast

We shared the leftover stew with butter toast and hot tea. I thought there were a full pan of stew and it was plenty enough at first, but it finally was over. I always miss the hot stew during cold season.


なんとさんまが50円!だったそうで、今日はさんまの塩焼きに、大根おろしを添えて。ほうれん草のシーザーサラダ風と、枝豆豆腐、枝豆(そのもの)、しらす、油揚げと茄子の味噌汁に、あきたこまちの新米〜♪ そしてお供にはプレミアムモルツ〜♪ まずは先に焼き…




火曜恒例、ボディパンプ+ボディコンバットショートへ。特訓中のタップくんももちろん参戦*1。そして今日はK姐も参戦。お米の再会感激祭のすばらしさについて語り合ったり、青シャツを「中日色やんけ」といじったり(が、俺もしっかり青を着ていた…orz)。 …


昨日の夕飯のクリームシチュー、まだたっぷりある♪ これを温めて、ごはんとともにいただく。急に冷え込み始めた寒い朝に温かいシチューは実にシアワセ。うまうまー♪ 最初考えていたのは、シチューをごはんにかけて、上にチェダーチーズのスライスを乗せて、…

Grilled Salty Saury

According to Okuchan, a saury was amazingly sold only for 50yen!; then, today's dinner was grilled saury with grated daikon root. Sides were Caesar salad-style spinach salad, green soy bean curd, green soy bean (itself), young sardine, mis…


I went lunch to Bamiyan. I had today's lunch set, ginger sauteed tender pork chuck, and fried dumplings. Even this set was cheap, but I thought it was problem that 2/3 on the dish was shredded cabbage. I regretted that I should choose hui …

Tuesday's Bodypump and Bodycombat

I went to gym and attended the bodypump master-class and bodycombat short-class as Tuesday's usual. Of course Mr.Tap in training also attended today*1, and Ms.K. We talked about the greatness of Kome Kome club live, or pointed out that her…

Cream Stew & Rice

There still were a lot of cream stew leftover from yesterday. I warmed and had it with rice. It was really happy to have hot stew in rapidly got colder morning. Deli-deli :-) At first, I intended to have rice-gratin style like this; pour s…


「今日はあまりにも寒いから」と、奥ちゃんが作った夕飯はクリームシチュー。焦げるけどコンビーフ入りが旨いのよね、と言うてたら、きっちりコンビーフ入りを作ってくれている。素晴らしい。 寒い夜に温かいクリームシチュー、うまうま♪




昨夜のライブでみんなお疲れ、しかも息子は授業参観の代休で、みんなぐっすり。一人でもそもそ起き出して(って、すぐ奥ちゃんも起きてきたけど)、いやいやながら(笑)出勤。ミスドに寄って朝ごはんを食べていくことにする。 今日のチョイスはエビグラタンパイ…

Stew :-)

"Because it is so cold today," Okuchan said, and today's dinner she cooked was cream stew. We talked that corned beef contained stew was tasty even though it might get burned, and finally she cooked it! Good job :-) Hot stew at cold night …

People's Lunchbox

Today I was in charge of lunch time telephone call. Just when I worried what to eat, there came people's restaurant clerk to sell their lunch box; immediately I bought it. The lunch box contained hamburg steak, soy-sauce cooked vegetables,…

Mr. Donut

We all were tired because of live on yesterday. In addition, the school of my son was day-off today due to alternative holiday for the classroom visitation on Saturday. I got up by myself (and soon Okuchan also got up), and went work with …