

今日の夕飯は豚生姜焼き+ポテトサラダ。これにごはんと豚汁〜♪ 実に幸せな組み合わせ。キャベツの千切りに生姜焼きのたれを絡めていただくと、うまうまー♪ これに白いごはんを頬張って、豚汁なんかすすり込んだ日にゃあ、あーた、もう! 思わずお代わりして…


医者に寄りつつちょっと遅刻して出勤。ついでにコンビニに寄って昼の弁当を買っていく。案の定昼になってもメールの整理が終わらず、席で飯を食いつつ仕事。 今日はミニ鶏五目弁当と、ベトナムフォーをチョイス。このフォー、インスタントのクセに、なんかこ…


残っていたバケットでフレンチトースト。お供にコーヒー。カルピスバターを添えていただくと、うまうまー♪ パンがちょっと堅くなっていて、息子は噛み切るのに難儀している模様。

Pork Set

Today's dinner was pork ginger and potato salad, rice and pork miso soup. This menu was wonderful combination. Shredded cabbage with pork ginger sauce was deli-deli :-) In addition, how happy I am to have it with rice and pork miso soup! I…

Mini Chicken Bowl & Vietnam Pho

I went to a doctor on the way to my office, and I also bought my lunch on the way. As I forcasted, I couldn't finish reading my e-mail until afternoon, and I kept working with having lunch at my desk. Today I bought a mini chicken bowl and…

French Toast

Okuchan cooked some French toast from leftover French bread. We had it for breakfast with coffee. The French toast with Calpis butter was deli-deli :-) The bread became a little bit hard and my son seemed to be in trouble to have it.