

雀皇さまと見つけたり。 家長〜。残ったもの食べちゃって〜。 家長〜。ゴミ出してきて〜。 家長〜。ビール〜。


奥ちゃんから「今日はチキン南蛮だよ〜」と予告があったものの、仕事でお利口の相手でだいぶ遅くなる。もう付き合ってられん、と帰って*1、家でチキン南蛮。樽生ブラウマイスターを飲みつつ、たっぷりのタルタルソースをかけていただく。うまうま♪ もともと…




虎汁すすりがてら、その近くのパン屋「かのん」で買ってきたグラタンパン+ベーコンエピをいただく。お供にコーヒー。うまうま♪ この「かのん」、安くて旨くて実にいい店。500円で1個押してくれるスタンプカードがあるのだけど、500円買うのなんて、ものすご…

What The Master Of A House Is

In my opinion, it is same as Master Of Marjong! Master, eat everything left! Master, throw the garbage! Master, beer please!

Chicken Namban

Okuchan announced me in advance that today's dinner would be chicken namban, but I have to fight against a WISE man at my job; I get to be a bit late as a result. Finally I think I don't sink to his level and come back home*1 to have chick…


I wanted to have champon and go to ながさき. When I see the menu in front of the restaurant, the ordinary champon is \780, and the set of champon and half fried rice is \800. I'm surprised that I can have additional half fried rice for onl…


On the way to haveing Tiger soup, we bought some bread such as gratin bread and bacon epi at かのん, and have it for breakfast this morning. Attendant drink is coffee. Deli-deli :-) Speaking of this "かのん", it is very good store because …