

肉の呪いが解けたところで、今夜はお刺身。魚屋に行ってみたら、イナダとアジが安かったので、3枚におろしてもらって*1、イナダはサクにとって刺身にする。アジは小骨を抜いてたたきにして、中骨はじっくり揚げて骨煎餅♪ ビールとともにいただくと、うまうま…


奥ちゃんが肉の呪いに苛まれている。原因は昨日食べたブッフェで、ほとんど肉っけがなかったらしい。そんなわけで買い物がてらみんなでびっくりドンキーへ。エッグハンバーグカレーディッシュ(300g)をいただく。うまうま♪ 肉は8oz(=225g)以上じゃないと…




After curing from the curse of meat, today's dinner is sashimi. At fish shop, yellowtail and horse mackerel is on sale. I ask to a clerk to slice them into fillet. Yellowtail is for sashimi, horse mackerel is for tataki after picking small…

Curse of Meat

Okuchan has had a curse of meat from yesterday; she couldn't eat enough meat at buffet last night. Then, we go shopping and have lunch at びっくりドンキー. I have egg curry humberg dish of 300g. Deli-deli :-) I used to believe that meat sh…

Miso Porridge

We have miso porridge for breakfast cooked from the leftover soup of miso flavored pot-cooking pork, with iced green tea. The leftover soup is well concentrated and has much extract from pork. We cook as rice draws all of this soup in. Del…




用事を済ませていたら、結構遅くなってしまった。急いで吉野家に駆け込んで、大盛り+味噌汁をいただく。牛丼うまうまー♪ 店内で食べてみると、牛丼以外を食べている人が案外多いのにびっくり。吉野家は牛丼屋じゃー!と声を大にして言いたくなる俺は、吉野…


金曜恒例、朝ボディコンバット+ボディステップショートへ…のハズが、電車トラブルのために30分以上遅れて到着。当然、もうとっくの昔にボディコンバットのクラスは始まっている。ああああ、Eちゃんコンバット復帰戦…(´・ω・`) 仕方ないので、めざましテレビ…




I expected to be late because of my job, and I said to Okuchan in advance I won't need today's dinner; actually my job finished unexpectedly so early. I will have dinner before I come back home, but it is not interesting to go to 王将 as u…

Large & Miso Soup

After doing something to do, I don't have enough time to go lunch. I rush into 吉野家 and have large beef bowl and miso soup. Deli-deli :-) I am surprised that many people have something other than beef bowl inside the restaurant. I want t…

Friday's Bodystep

I go to gym and attend bodycombat master-class and bodystep short class as Friday's usual; as my expectation. In fact, because of traffic trouble, I arrive gym over 30 minutes late than usual. Of course the class has already started. Oh, i…

Milk France (Half)

As I ate yesterday's dinner well, I am not so hungry. I just have milk France and coffee. Okuchan requested me to left half of it, I cut milk France in half hand have one of it; it actually is the exact amount. Deli-deli :-)


豚バラのしゃぶしゃぶ用切り落としを買ってあったので、今日は豚味噌鍋♪ 奥ちゃん、余裕がなくて冷凍うどんと万能ネギを買えなかったそうで、買いに行ったら樽生ブラウマイスターを発見。怪我の功名♪ 今回の味噌はとても良くできた。樽生を飲みつついただく…


刺身が食いたいなあ、と思ってさくら水産へ。ここんとこ、日替わりが焼き魚と揚げ物ばっかりだったので、今日は刺身でありますように…と願いつつ入ってみると、まぐろとかつおの2点盛り。おっけー、ばっちこーい♪ 今日もたまごごはんとふりかけごはんで2杯い…


朝ごはんに、残っていた餅を焼いてしまって、磯辺もちにしていただく。おでんも残り少なかったので、これもみんなで分けて食べてしまうことに。お供に抹茶玄米茶。 味の染みたちくわぶや大根、うまうま♪

Wii Sports

Wii楽しいよWii。特に野球、単純だけど結構面白い。しばらくこれにハマりそう。 息子は息子で「ポケモンバトルレボリューションでDSバトルやろうよ〜」と言うて来るけど、君と俺のレベル差じゃ勝負になりませ〜ん(泣)

Miso Flavored Pot-Cooking Pork

As I bought thin sliced pork ribs for shabu-shabu, today's dinner is miso flavored pot-cooking pork. According to Okuchan, she was too busy that she couldn't buy frozen udon and green onion; I find Tarunama Braumeister when I go shopping t…


As I wanted to have some sashimi, I go lunch to さくら水産. In these days, their daily set is not sashimi but grilled fish and/or something fried. I wish today's set were sashimi; in fact, daily set is bonito and tuna sashimi. Ok, it is! I…

Rice Cake & Oden

For breakfast, we have leftover rice cakes as grilled isobe style. Oden also has left a bit, we also share to finish it. Attendant drink is brown rice tea. Well-cooked chikuwa-bu and daikon root are deli-deli :-)

Wii Sports

Wii is so fun! Especially, baseball is simple but so interesting! I will play it for a while! In the case of my son, he invites me "Let's play DS Battle on Pokemon Battle Revolution!"; There are much different between your level and mine, …








昨日かーちゃんが来て薄皮チョコパンを置いていったという。じゃあコーヒー淹れてこれで朝ごはんにしよう、ということに。バタートーストも適当に作って、一つ盛りにしてみんなで適当につつく朝ごはん。 あ、デザートにバナナ喰おうと思って忘れてた!

Sauteed Pork & Cabbage

Today's dinner is miso flavored sauteed pork & cabbage Okuchan specially cooks. It is rare that this dish is not Chinese style (twice-cooked pork) but Japanese style. We have it as main dish, and also have some Oden that has really well-…

People's Restaurant

Today I am in charge of telephone call during lunchtime, I go out for a while and have my lunch a bit earlier when I am free. I choose fried white fish set (\510). I also buy a raw egg to have raw egg rice. Freshly fried white fish and tar…

Chocolate Bread

According to Okuchan, my mother came and gave us thin-skin chocolate bread. Then, we have it with coffee for breakfast. We also make some slices of butter toast, and make an assorted dish to take freely. Oh, I forgot to have banana for des…

