



昼の電話当番につきコンビニ飯を買ってくる。小さめののり弁当と、味噌汁がわりに味噌ラーメンを一つ。これでも、きんぴらだのキャベツだのが入ってる分野菜採れるお昼を選択したつもりなのだけど…外食でサラダ以外の野菜喰うのって本当に難しいな。 ジャン…


奥ちゃん特製ローストオニオンベーグルをいただく。バターを塗って軽くトーストして、クリームチーズと生ハムを挟んで。お供にコーヒー。 これが、実にうまうま♪ ベーグルに炒め玉ねぎのコクが良く出ている。まだ1人1個あるので、金曜のジム前にでも食べて行…

Send-Off Party

My colleague having a seat next to me is supposed to go studying abroad, and out team is holding a send-off party. According to her, her parents are protective enough to worry her travel, so we think how to persuade them during we are drin…


I buy something for lunch at convenience store because I am in charge of taking telephone call during lunchtime today; small size seaweed lunchbox, and miso ra-men instead of miso soup. I make an effort to choose something that has vegetab…

Homemade Bagel

I have roasted onion bagel that Okuchan specially made. I spread butter on the bagel, and sandwich cream cheese & prosciutto ham. Attendant drink is coffee. This is really deli-deli :-) This bagel has rich taste of roasted onion! We still …