



今日は暖かいのでチームYに招集をかけてタイ飯喰いに行こう…と思ったら、肝心のYがお休みらしく捕まらない。仕方ないので、香菜つながりで海南飯でも食いに行くか、と夢飯へ。珍しく今日は行列がなかった。らっきー。 で、今日は海南チキンライスの大をい…


奥ちゃんがせとうち旬彩館で日の出製麺の生麺&いりこだし醤油を買ってきてくれた。早速茹でて、釜玉にして頂く。奥ちゃんと息子は冷たいぶっかけ。うまうま♪ 「売ってるのが新橋だから、おいしかったらだんながまた買ってきてくれるだろう」とは奥ちゃんの…

Drink With Mentor

I go drinking with my former colleague whom I regard as my mentor. We exchange information about recent matter, and go to 3 bars hopping. Even so, every shop is so cheap, it cost only 3,000yen or so at all. It's cheap enough! One of the re…


It is warm day today and I wish I could call on Team-Y to have Thai rice, but I can't catch Mr.Y because he seems to be absent today. I have no choice, I go to 夢飯 to have Singapore chicken rice as cilantro leaf connection. It is rare tha…


Okuchan bought raw udon & dried sardine flavored soy sauce of 日の出製麺. I boil and have it as kama-tama. Okuchan and my son have it as cold bukkake. Deli-deli :-) According to Okuchan, she estimates that I might buy another one if this u…