

ちょっと忙しくなってきてあんまり時間もなく、人民食堂でお昼ごはん。うな玉丼と冷やしうどんのセットをいただく。うな玉丼は、うなぎの卵とじ・醤油とみりん味。いかにもバットで大量に作ったんだろうな、という感じに一つの角だけが丸くなっている(笑) 冷…



Eel & Egg Bowl

As I get to be a bit busy and don't have enough time for lunch, I go lunch to people's restaurant and have the set of eel & egg bowl and chilled udon. Eel & egg bowl is seasoned by soy sauce and sweet rice wine. The shape of one of the cor…

Corn Bread

Today's breakfast is corn bread of Saint Germain, and curry bread (shared with Okuchan), and (one half of) onion cheese bread. Attendant drink is coffee. I can't usually eat the corn-topped bread, so I bought one each for us that I can hav…