
Family Pool

Konami sports club near my home hold an event that they open to their pool to public (charged). I think my son must be tired because of athletic festival yesterday, but he is so energetic as a switch gets to be turned on by the festival; h…

Toast & Sandwich

We left something from yesterday's lunch box; such as 4 pieces of sandwich, etc. We decide to have it, and add a piece of toast and cut it into two pieces. We also have minced meat cutlet, fried chicken, potato salad, fruits (watermelon, c…


昼食べ過ぎて、夜にあんまりお腹が空かない。冷やし中華くらいでいいねえ、ということにする。キュウリ、ハム、たまごの他、もやしも乗せて、ごま冷やし中華。お供にコロナ。 暑くなってきてこういう食べものが旨くなってきた上に、コロナのすきっとした感じ…





Chilled Chinese Noodle Sesame Sauce

As we have too much lunch, and we don't get hungry even it is time for dinner. We decide to have light supper; chilled Chinese noodle. We put cucumber, ham, egg and bean sprout on and have it with sesame sauce. Attendant drink is Colona. I…

Picnic Lunchbox

It has stopped rain until morning, and we go to athletic festival taking with lunchbox. Based on my son's request, the main dish is sandwich (egg, ham & cheese, tuna, strawberry), and sides are gratin, fried chicken, minced meat cutlet, po…

Bacon Egg & Toast

The athletic festival will be held at my son's school today. I help Okuchan to cook lunchbox, and also prepare breakfast. We have bacon egg-topped toast. Attendant drink is coffee. Crispy fried bacon is deli-deli :-)


元同僚の訃報が入り、お通夜に出かける。どうしてこういい人から亡くなっていくのかな、と思ったら、もう、いたたまれなくなってしまって、彼を偲びつつ一人ギネスでお清め。こういう俺なりの送り方があってもいいじゃねえか、と思ったり。 これでスタンプが…




金曜恒例、朝ボディコンバット+ボディステップショートへ。 まずはボディコンバット 今日は珍しくmix。Eちゃんも「わたし滅多にCD入れ替えないんですけど、今日は入れ替えますね!」と明るく宣言。おおー、ないすちゃれんじー(棒読み)。で、曲リストは以…


奥ちゃんがナイススティックを買っておいてくれたので、これをいただく。お供にアイスコーヒー。ジム前に食べるにはちょうどいいボリューム。うまうま♪ 中学生の頃に初めて存在を認識して以来なので、相当のロングセラーだなこれ…。

By Guinness

I heard news of the untimely passing of former colleague, and I attend his wake. I can't stand when I think why good guy passes away first, and I go remembrance of him alone by Guinness. It might be OK to send him by my own way, I guess. F…


It rains so hard when I go out for lunch. The people's restaurant must be so crowded on such day, so I decide to buy something outside (even there might be something wrong, I guess!) I remind that it is Friday today, it means the day of lo…

Friday's Bodycombat & Bodystep

I go to gym and attend bodycombat master-class and bodystep short-class. Bodycombat Master-Class Today's songs are mix for a change. E-chan brightly claims "I don't tend to change CDs, but today, I will!" Oh, nice challenge (in monotone vo…

Nice Stick

Okuchan bought Nice stick for today's breakfast, so I have it. Attendant drink is iced coffee. It is good volume for eating just before going to gym. Deli-deli :-) I know it since I was in junior high; it might be considerable long seller!




朝遅めに食べたので、お昼は軽めに、ということで小諸そばへ。冷やしたぬきをいただく。きりっと冷えたそばがうまうまー♪ そば湯もうまうまー♪



Yunbai-Rou & Stir-Fried Bitter Gourd

We still have a block of (boiled) pork left bought at a certain tasty meat shop in Tsukuba. We cook it as yunbai-rou. We also have some small pieces of pork, so we also cook them as stir-fried bitter gourd. For side dish, we have boiled be…

Chilled Tanuki-Soba

As I have late breakfast, I intend to have light lunch; I go to 小諸そば and have chilled tanuki-soba. Well chilled soba-noodle is deli-deli :-) Soba boiling soup also is deli-deli :-)

People's Restaurant

Immediately after finishing the medical check, I jump into people's restaurant to have breakfast. I have stir-fried vegetables, vegetable tempura, and raw egg rice. Finally I feel relieved...




うな仲間Sくん、やっと仕事が落ち着いたらしく、うなのお誘いが来る。一も二もなく賛成してひょうたん屋へ。えらいこと久しぶりだな〜*1。 行ってみると大混雑で、店の前でしばらく待つ。奥さんがひょこっと顔を出して、「あらいらっしゃい、ちょっと待って…


今日の朝ごはんは、つくばの某激ウマ肉屋で買ってきたベーコンで、ベーコンエッグ。クーロンヌの食パンにチェダーをのせてチーズトーストも作る。お供にコーヒー。 ちょっと塩気の強い、薫製の香り高いベーコン、うまうま♪

Cutlet Bowl

As I have medical check tomorrow, I have to finish dinner until 9pm. But it already is 7:30pm when I go out of the office. I can't have dinner in time at home, so I go dinner to かつや at Shimbashi, and have cutlet bowl (middle) & pork mis…


A friend of mine Mr.S finally escapes from hard time for his job, so he invites me to go to eel lunch together. Of course I agree with him and go to ひょうたん屋. It is after a really long time!*1 When we go there, they are so crowded and …

Bacon Egg

Today's breakfast is bacon egg cooked from the bacon we bought at a certain tasty meat shop in Tsukuba. We also have cheese toast cooked from loaf bread of Courone & cheddar cheese. Attendant drink is coffee. Bit salty, smoke flavored baco…


今日は回鍋肉。箸休めにもやしのナムルと、お供にブラウマイスター。 つくばの某激ウマ肉屋で買ってきた豚バラブロックを茹でてスライス、甜麺醤ベースのタレで炒める。これがもう、肉の繊維が口の中でほろりととろけて、旨いのうまくないのって!うまうまう…

