Tuesday's Bodypump And Bodycombat

Went to gym and attend Bodypump master-class and Bodycombat short-class as Tuesday usual. After returning to gym as usual, my body felt fairly light :-)

Bodypump Master-Class

Today's track was BP48 as Muscle-A announced beforehand. For my impression, BP48 was not so impressive at first; no, no, no! This track has a lot of good songs!

  • Hardish squat : Addicted To Love (screaming "Oh Yeah!")
  • Lots of triple dead rows : On The Bible (Of course Muscle-A rowed at wide grips with three large spindles)
  • Single and bottom-half accent arm curl : Everybody (screaming "Yeah, Yeah!")
  • Power lunge after long lunge : Love Is A Battlefield (screaming "Wow wow wo!")
  • Unbelievable super-slow at front raise : Tribal Dance (Juliana's Tokyo!)
  • Long-long hover *1 : Bolingo

Huh? Was BP48 so had like this??

Bodycombat Short Class

Today's tracks were mix; hey! let's see the so good songs list, madam!

  1. (I Just) Died In Your Arms(BC18-1)
  2. Impossible Mission(BC15-2)
  3. Tempo(BC19-7)
  4. Loaded(BC11-8)
  5. Mission ImpossibleBC5-10)

Seeing well, there were 2 songs from Mission Impossible...
At Muay Thai track, Immediately after I heard the lyrics "Tempo!", I couldn't help smiling, and Muscle-A cued irresponsibly during the starting 2 or 3 moves, like as "you guys know the choreographies very well, don't you?"
In addition, next track was "Loaded." It must be his direction to rage! I completely could do the all option moves; waving arms, "Down, Down!" (screaming) and drumming moves. It also was my pleasure that the Amazing Lady (tentative calling) also came around with me.
Sweated very well and felt great, and finished (even my arms felt heavy.)


Today's spindles : W-up L / Squat LLM / Chest LM / Back LL / Tri L (M for kick-back) / Bi L / Lunge LM (held 2 L-s for power-lunge) / Shoulder L / Abs L
Today's weight : 73.9kg

*1:In addition, Muscle-A whipped us "Lower your balance!" when hover passed the half way...

さくら水産 (after a long time)

I wanted to eat raw egg & rice, and went to さくら水産. Today's lunch was cold boiled pork, so I chose it. With eating raw egg & rice, poured ponzu sauce on boiled pork, grated daikon radish and shredded cabbage (strange combination...) Today I felt the clerks could not work effectively; e.g. there were empty tea pot on the table, Miso soup pot did not come for a long while. But I bascally satisfied because I could eat raw egg & rice as I expected from the beginning.

Okinawan Cuisine

Unexpected job was boiling up in the evening and I was about ready to give up getting work off on time, but at the end it proved that it was not my job; I could got work off on time.
Today's dinner was Okinawan cuisine. Pork Kakuni noodle was main dish, and there also were sauteed gluten (called "fuu-iri-chi"), cooked kelp (called "kuubu-iri-chi") and so on. After cheered by beer, move on to awamori and ate tasty dinner. Sweet and melting pork kakuni, deli-deli :-) Fuu-iri-chi and kuubu-iri-chi were also taste of relief. How tasty Okinawan cuisine is...!


一昨日のテールスープを奥ちゃんが加工してくれて、大根、にんじんなどが一緒に煮込まれている。今朝はこれをごはんにかけて、クッパ〜♪ がーりがーりと黒胡椒をかけていただくと、滋味深いスープと口の中でとろけるテール肉がうまうまー♪ さて今朝もジム頑張ってくべえ。





  • キツ目のスクワットAddicted To Love(おぅいぇ〜!)とか、
  • トリプルロー出まくり(イントラAさんは当然大3のワイドグリップ)のOn The Bibleとか、
  • シングルとボトムハーフが特徴のEverybody(いぇ〜、いぇ♪)とか、
  • 長ランジの後にパワーランジのLove Is A Battlefield(うぉううぉううぉ♪)とか、
  • フロントレイズのスーパースローがあり得ないTribal Dance(ジュリアナ)とか、
  • 長〜いホバーの待ってるBolingoとか*1

………あれ? こ、こんなにキツかったっけ、BP48(汗)


1. (I Just) Died In Your Arms(BC18-1)
2. Impossible Mission(BC15-2)
3. Tempo(BC19-7)
4. Loaded(BC11-8)
5. Mission ImpossibleBC5-10)







今日は沖縄飯。らふてぇそばをメインに、フーイリチー、クーブイリチーなどを用意して待っていてくれる奥ちゃん。ビールで乾杯した後、泡盛に移行して美味しくいただく。甘く煮えたとろっとろのらふてぇ、うまうまー♪ クーブイリチーもフーイリチーもホッとする美味。沖縄飯って旨いなあ…