
After I went off my work, I picked up my son and went dinner together. I thought he might be pleased if I took him a ra-men restaurant, and that was ture. Finally we went to のりや of ラーメン激戦区東京編 in Tokyo station. My son ordered A set (includes a bowl of ra-men, half size fried dumpling, half size cooked-pork rice) and rock-seaweed topping, and I ordered a cooked-pork ra-men and boiled egg topping. I intended to share fired dumpling and cooked-pork rice with my son, but he ate almost all of them. Then he might be unable to eat his ra-men completely, I guess, but he took a piece of cooked pork from my bowl and he did eat completely! He eats huge amount of his favorite as usual... As may expected of over-eating, he said "I'm too full! Please walk more slowly!" after that.
I'm really afraid thinking about when he will be a high school student; how much will he have his meal?!