
Due to the long meeting, it had already been 8pm when I went out of my office. When I made a phone call to Okuchan, she said my son and she already had eaten their dinner. I intended to stop over on the way and go shopping at Yodobashi Camera*1, but I could have a seat on the train at the starting station today of all days.
Finally I jumped into the 太閤園 just before 30 minutes they would be closed, and had beer, fried dumplings and fried rice. It was trace of conscience that I didn't order large fried rice; but I still drank beer :-(
The fried rice of this restaurant was really deli-deli :-) I could proud the best Chinese restaurant of all at my town!

*1:Concretely speaking, I wanted to buy 太鼓の達人 for PS2.