Christmas Dinner

Today it was Christmas Eve, Okuchan was going to grill whole 比内鶏. I also cooked garlic pilaf (with plenty of butter) for its filling.
The other dishes were panna cotta a la spinach (with green salad & smoked salmon), cheese & clacot, corn soup, etc. Today's sparkling wine was Cozima's house spoumante, Ferrari. It was dry and deli-deli :-)
I took a peti knife and disassembled the chicken*1, and it was well grilled. I served several parts for all of family members, and had it. Thigh was deli-deli :-) Wing was deli-deli :-) Everywhere deli-deli :-)
After dinner, we gave Christmas gifts each other. I've already given iPod for Okuchan, and additional surprise gift was iTunes Music Card; I hid it into the Christmas card. Successful surprise :-)

*1:Why was such job for head of family?