



阪神戦を見ながら昼ご飯。朝がちょっと遅めだったこともあって、山盛りのナチョスを3人でつつく。お供に昼からコロナ。やっぱりナチョスはOLD EL PASOのコーンチップに限るね。とろんととろけたチーズが、またうまうまー♪ ナチョスはうまうまだけど、試合展…


昨日デパ地下の投げ売りで買ってきたコロッケ類各種をトーストとともにいただく。お供にアイスコーヒー。トマトがたくさんあるね、と奥ちゃんが焼きトマトチーズのせも作ってくれる。 メンチカツのオープンサンド、うまうま♪

Yellowtail Sashimi

Fatty yellowtail was sold at supermarket, so I bought it and asked to slice; today's dinner was yellowtail sashimi. We also had some pork roast we bought at the ground floor of a department store, homemade salmon roe, cold bean curd, etc. …


We had lunch with watching Tigers' game. Because we took our breakfast a little bit late, today's lunch was a bowl of nachos for three, with Colona beer. There was nothing like Old El Paso corn chips for nachos! Melted cheese was also deli…

Croquettes & Toast

Today's breakfast was croquettes on sale yesterday at the ground floor of a department store and a slice of toast with iced coffee. There were a lot of tomatoes in the refrigerator, so Okuchan made some grilled sliced tomato with cheese. O…