

奥ちゃん特製沖縄そばをいただく。まずは、昼から煮込んでいたという、らふてぇ(皮付き)&同じタレで煮込んだ厚揚げ、そしてもやしと卵の中華風炒めで、御酒(うさき)を開けて乾杯。うまうまー♪ そしてメインの沖縄すば。らふてぇも2個載せて、1玉半ほどいた…


昼休み後すぐに外出の予定があったので、じゃあ早飯が食えるところにしよう、と、座るより早く飯が出てくることで有名な(?)ととやへ。北海道ぶり刺身のセットをいただく。小雨模様なのもあってか、なんだか空いている。 この店にくるといつも思うのだけど、…


すっかり熟してしまったバナナが2本。奥ちゃんがこれを加工して白いバナナミルクを作ってくれる。これを飲みつつ、巨大なチーズパン切り分けてみんなでシェア。目玉焼き、ソーセージ、温野菜も添えて。コーヒーも淹れる。 バナナミルク、うまうま〜♪

Okinawa Noodle

We had Okinawa noodle that Okuchan specially made. At first, we had soy sauce cooked diced pork (with skin) that Okuchan had cooked from the afternoon, and fried bean curd & boiled egg cooked with the same sauce. We also drank 御酒. Deli-d…


I had to go out just after the lunchtime. I decided to go somewhere that lunch would be served quickly, and went to ととや; it was famous that they served lunch earlier than I had a seat. I had Hokkaido yellowtail sashimi set. Due to rainy…

White Banana Milk

We had two ripe bananas; Okuchan cook them into White Banana Milk. We had it, and shared huge toasted cheese bread, fried egg, sausage, and boiled vegetables. I also brewed coffee. Banana milk was deli-deli :-)