
Fried Chicken :-)

My son would go skiing for the event of Konami Sports Club. As we had to cook something for his lunchbox, today's dinner was fried chicken :-) I had fried chicken fever in these days and it was my pleasure. The other dishes were cream stew…


I guessed that it must not be crowded because of rain, I went to さくすい and my estimation was right. Speaking of daily set, it was "Pork Cutlet & Minced-Meat Cutlet"; that combination was like as looking for trouble with meat lover(?), a…

Chocolate Bread

Today's breakfast was chocolate bread of Johan. I tried to have organic tea (even it was tea-bag) that Okuchan was given instead of coffee once in a while. It tasted sweet even I didn't put sugar in it; deli-deli :-)

Absent from Gym

Because of pulled muscle in my calf, I was absent from gym to attend bodypump master class of Tuesday's usual. I have to take enough rest at least when I was injured.