

今日は暖かいのでチームYに招集をかけてタイ飯喰いに行こう…と思ったら、肝心のYがお休みらしく捕まらない。仕方ないので、香菜つながりで海南飯でも食いに行くか、と夢飯へ。珍しく今日は行列がなかった。らっきー。 で、今日は海南チキンライスの大をい…


奥ちゃんがせとうち旬彩館で日の出製麺の生麺&いりこだし醤油を買ってきてくれた。早速茹でて、釜玉にして頂く。奥ちゃんと息子は冷たいぶっかけ。うまうま♪ 「売ってるのが新橋だから、おいしかったらだんながまた買ってきてくれるだろう」とは奥ちゃんの…

Drink With Mentor

I go drinking with my former colleague whom I regard as my mentor. We exchange information about recent matter, and go to 3 bars hopping. Even so, every shop is so cheap, it cost only 3,000yen or so at all. It's cheap enough! One of the re…


It is warm day today and I wish I could call on Team-Y to have Thai rice, but I can't catch Mr.Y because he seems to be absent today. I have no choice, I go to 夢飯 to have Singapore chicken rice as cilantro leaf connection. It is rare tha…


Okuchan bought raw udon & dried sardine flavored soy sauce of 日の出製麺. I boil and have it as kama-tama. Okuchan and my son have it as cold bukkake. Deli-deli :-) According to Okuchan, she estimates that I might buy another one if this u…


春休みにつき未来科学館に遊びに行っていた息子&奥ちゃんと落ち合って、一緒に夕ごはん。大根餅が恋しい、という息子を連れて小姐颱風へ。 豚バラの紹興酒蒸しとか、タマゴとろ〜り石鍋チャーハンとか、春雨と金華ハムのカリカリサラダとか、いろいろいただ…


何喰おうかなあ、と思ってさまよっているうちに、店頭に虎の国旗*1を掲げた居酒屋「赤まる」を発見。しかも「ディナータイムは阪神戦全試合放映!」とか書いてある。これは偵察が必要だ、と入店、つけ麺+ミニスタミナ丼セットをいただく。 まあ食べ物は普通…


火曜恒例、朝ボディパンプへ。眠くて眠くて今日は行くのを止めようか、と一瞬思ったのだけど、始めてしまえば楽しいはず、と強い心を持って起床。 で、ボディパンプ 今日も新曲、BP61。先週が休館日だったことを忘れて、強度低いんだよなあ、と、トラックに…




Because of his spring vacation, my son goes to 未来科学館 with Okuchan. I join with them to have dinner at 小姐颱風 because my son misses daikon root cake. We have several dishes such as Chinese rice wine steamed pork, fried rice with tend…


I wander looking for something for lunch; I found a pub 赤まる showing the National Flag*1 at storefront. In addition, they say that they run every Tigers' game on TV at dinner time! I have to check there, so I enter and order dipping nood…

Tuesday's Bodypump

I go to gym and attend bodypump master-class as Tuesday's usual. I am so sleepy today and once I thought I should take a rest today, but finally I decide to go because the class will be fun after started! Bodypump Master-Class Today's rele…

Toast & Cup Soup

There are some thick slices of bread left, I toast and have it for breakfast I also have cup coup (potage) with it. Speaking of cup soup, I am impressed that this soup has 80kcal per cup; I still spread plenty of butter on my toast with no…




そういえば先週ココイチ喰い損ねたな、喰いたいな、と思って、ココイチに向かう。が、虎ノ門店、3/15で突然閉店していた…! がーん。 とはいえ、なんかカレー心に火がついちゃって、人民食堂でカレー大盛りwith生たまごをいただく。このカレー、安い割に、時…


昨日帰りしなに買ってきたミスドで朝ごはん。お供にコーヒー。ちょうどドーナツ100円&パイとマフィン120円セールをやっていてラッキー。 俺はハムチーズパイと、新商品らしいポン・デ・金ごまをいただく。ポン・デの方は、黒ごまベースの生地にアイシングし…


Today I have lot to do; actually, I have to wait someone's finishing his job so long but he couldn't. Finally I got angry at 9:30pm (because I don't have dinner until at that time), and claim that I've finished my job and come back home. I…


I remember that I missed to have curry rice at Coco-Ichi last week, and go lunch to there. But their Toranomon branch has suddenly been closed on March 15th. I was too shocked! Even so, I really want to have curry rice somewhere, and go to…

Mister Donuts

I bought some donuts at Mr.Donuts for today's breakfast. Attendant drink is coffee. It is lucky for me that they are on sale for 100yen donuts and 120yen muffin & pie. I have ham & cheese pie and pon-de-golden sesame that seems to be new p…


そんな息子のお疲れさまも兼ねて、夕飯は串家物語へ。北海道生搾りで乾杯して、今日もいろいろ揚げまくる。チキンカツカレー作ったり、とんかつ茶漬け作ったり、と(揚げ物を使いつつも)目先を変えることも忘れずに。チーズちくわうまー♪ エビフライwithタ…


今日は息子の発表会。ソロパートなんかもあり、演奏前には、奥ちゃんと二人、お客さんなのに緊張してしまう始末。 が、練習よりも上手に、格好良く弾けていて、とーちゃんは満足です。ぐっじゃーぶ。


近所に日高屋ができたので行ってみる。味噌ラーメン+半炒飯のセットを頼もうとしたら、奥ちゃんが「餃子も付けよう」と言い出すので、更に餃子の付いたセットにする。そんなわけで、餃子と半炒飯は奥ちゃんとシェア。 うん、なんというか、普通のラーメンで…


菓子パン1個ずつと、厚切りトーストで朝ごはん。お供にコーヒー。 菓子パン、買い物の時に俺はナイススティックをチョイス。「ゲームがしたいから」と留守番していた息子はメロンパンが良かろうと思ったら、ナイススティックの方がいい、と言い出す。が、「…


As his good-job party, we go dinner to 串家物語. We drink 北海道生搾り at first, and fry plenty kinds of food. I try to change my feelings (even using fried things); I have chicken cutlet curry rice, or pork cutlet ochazuke, etc. Cheese ch…


Today is my son's recital. He has solo part, so Okuchan and I are nervous before his playing. Even so, he has played stylish and much better than his practice, I satisfy. Good job!


As 日高屋 opens near my house, we go there for lunch. When I'm going to order miso ra-men and half fried rice set, Okuchan says "How about to order fried dumplings?"; finally I order the set includes fried dumplings in addition to the firs…

Sweet Bun & Toast

Today's breakfast is one each sweet bun and thick sliced toast. Attendant drink is coffee. I choose Nice Stick when we went shopping. At that time my son stayed home because he wanted to play games, so I bought chocolate chip melon bread f…





