Nagoya (B)Eating Week

I had a consciousness of Nagoya eating (or beating) lunch of this week almost from Pasta de Coco; I could complete the series lunch even some reason was something like verbal contortions.

  • 25th, Mon: Hui Guo Rou (Taste of Haccho-miso)
  • 26th, Tue: Pasta De Coco
  • 27th, Wed: Eel at ひょうたん屋 (On the behalf of Hitsumabushi)
  • 28th, Thu: Daniel Large (On the behalf of Mountain)

And today for head-to-head competition*1, I should choose straight Nagoya cuisine and went to 若鯱屋 at Pedi Shiodome. I had Curry Lunch (set of curry udon and mini-size bowl) for miso-cullet bowl. A little bit hot taste curry udon was deli-deli :-) Fresh fried cutlet and sweet miso sauce was deli-deli :-) I defeat all of them, and we Tigers should win also today!

*1:In addition, today's opponent pitcher was Kenshin Kawakami!