

下柳!!! 矢野さん!!!! いーまーおーかーーーーー!!!!! 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 今日の憲伸さえ何とかすれば、3連勝間違いなし!逆転優勝がホントに現実的になってきたよ〜! 今日の甲子園で最もグッときたサインボード:「行くで札幌、待ってろ新庄」


今日から直接対決、というわけでさっさと帰ることに。奥ちゃんにカエルコールをすると、「あまりに激ジョブで買い物すら行けませんでした、食材がありません」と激白。じゃあずっと食いたい食いたい言ってたヤマダモンゴルでも行くか、と特急に飛び乗る。 ぐ…


ピンイン変換サービス http://www.frelax.com/sc/service/pinyin/


パスタ・デ・ココあたりで意識した今週1週間の昼飯「名古屋を喰ろうたる」キャンペーンだけど、苦しい理由がありながらも、なんとか形になったかな、というところ。 25日(月):回鍋肉(八丁味噌の味 26日(火):パスタ・デ・ココ 27日(水):うな@ひょうたん…


金曜恒例、朝ボディコンバット+ボディステップショートへ。今日は、友人のタップくんも参戦。いままで都度会員だったらしいのだけど、11月のBTSツアーに向けての特訓開始に伴い、こりゃいかん、と月会費の会員に変更することにしたらしい。好判断かと。 ま…




Shimoyanagi!!! Yano-san!!!! I-ma-o-ka-----!!!!! We must win three games in a raw as a result of defeating Kenshin! Reversal winning was getting closer! Most impressive sign board in 甲子園 today: "We Will Go To Sapporo, Wait Shinjo!"

Yamada Mongol

Head-to-head competition started from today, then I went off work ASAP. When I made a phone call to Okuchan, she said, "Because of my hard job, we don't have anything to eat!" Then, I requested that how about to go to ヤマダモンゴル, and j…


Pinyen exchange service: http://www.frelax.com/sc/service/pinyin/

Nagoya (B)Eating Week

I had a consciousness of Nagoya eating (or beating) lunch of this week almost from Pasta de Coco; I could complete the series lunch even some reason was something like verbal contortions. 25th, Mon: Hui Guo Rou (Taste of Haccho-miso) 26th,…


Today's weight: 74.2kg

Friday's Bodycombat And Bodystep

I went to gym and attend Bodycombat master-class and Bodystep short-class as Friday usual. Today a friend of mine Mr.Tap had come; he was on the special training toward to BTS tour on November and he changed his membership from pay-per-use…

Sliced Loaf Bread

I cut a thick slice of loaf bread from the block, and had it with iced coffee. At that time I thought it was hard to spread butter on the bread without toast, but I realized later that I could spread jam or peanut butter on it. It was the …