



具を追加して煮込まれていたおでんをお昼にいただく。前回なくて悲しかったちくわぶ(←マイベストおでん種)や、もう1本買ってきたすじ、ゆで卵が丸々1個入った種ものなどが追加されている。うれしー♪ すっかり味の染みた大根、うまー♪ 思わずお代わりしちゃっ…



Miso Flavored Pot-Cooking Pork

Finally I made miso paste for pot-cooking pork, so today's dinner was miso flavored pot-cooking pork of the first time of the season. This time I put core of Chinese cabbage and green onion in advance in the pot and boiled for a while, and…


Today's lunch was Oden added something more than yesterday; chikuwa-bu that I missed I couldn't have last time, additional beef tendon, boiled-egg stuffed fried minced fish, etc. This is life! Well cooked daikon root was deli-deli :-) I co…

French Toast

Okuchan bought a baguette for making French toast several days ago but it still lied neglected. She finally decided to cook it to French toast for today's breakfast, with crispy roasted bacon. We had it with honey, butter topping and hot c…