

うちで遊んでた連中と合流して、しちりんへ。今日は大人が一人多いから種類多めに食べられるね、とハーフ3種盛りをいろいろ頼んでみる。結局、豚トロ以外全種食べてしまった…。もちろんにんにくオイル焼きは一人一ついただく。卵焼きまでうまうまー♪ 飲み物…


食後、みんながWiiに興じている間に俺はジムへ。曲をリクエストしちゃった手前、今日はちゃんと行かないとね。そして今日も麦茶の2リットルペットボトルを持ち込む。 まずはボディパンプ どうせまた明後日やるのと、アタックを楽しむために、とで今日はちょ…




昨日買い物している時、奥ちゃんが「明日の朝ごパン…」とつぶやくので、「たまにはベニエはどうだろうか」と提案してみる。そんなわけで今朝はベニエ。お供は、チコリコーヒーでなくて、いつものカークランドコーヒーで。 粉糖をたっぷりかけていただくと、…


I join with the party playing at home, and go to しちりん. We cam have various kinds of meat because we have one more adult than usual, and we order some kinds of 3 kinds of half size assorted. As a result, we have all kinds of meat except…

Sunday's Bodypump & Bodyattack

During everyone is playing Wii, I go to gym. Because I've requested a song to play, I have to go there today! I also take a 2-litter bottle of barley tea. Bodypump Master-Class As I plan to take the same class the next day after tomorrow, …

Cod Roe Spaghetti

Because of her husband's short trip (and her husband is my friend from school...), Ms. Melopen and her daughter come to our home. We discussed in advance what and where we should have, such as cod roe spaghetti somewhere, and finally we de…


When we were at shopping, Okuchan said "Tomorrow's breakfast..."; immediately I recommended "How about beignet?" As a result, today's breakfast is beignet. Attendant drink is Kirkland coffee as usual instead of chicory coffee. Putting plen…