

なんだかやる気のない夕飯、ありものをいろいろ使って飲んだくれることにする。まずはサワラの西京漬け(と、いきなり切り札を投入)、塩豚と舞茸の炒め、野菜&ディップ(マヨ、味噌、バーニャカウダソース)、いかなごの釘煮、神宗の塩昆布などなど。 まず…




久しぶりに油そばを買ったのがやっと届いたので、今日のお昼はこれをいただく。一緒に買っておいた焼豚もスライスして上に乗せることに。焼豚、(バラでなくて)モモだったのでちょっとがっかりしながらスライスしたのだけど、案外柔らかくてうまうま♪ お供…


もっとえいご漬け、早速買ってきてみました。前作は単語→その単語を使った例文、という構成だったけど、今回はシチュエーションを設定した会話のディクテーションがメイン。これなら流れで結構聞き取れるな〜。 が、レベルテストで1問に手間取ったら、いきな…


トーストを焼いて朝ごはん。残った豚汁とともにいただく。お供にコーヒー。 トーストとコーヒーは良く合うし、トーストと豚汁も結構いい組み合わせなんだけど、豚汁とコーヒーが絶望的に合わなくて苦笑い。牛乳にしておけば良かったかな。




We are lazy enough today for not cooking proper dinner, so we decide to drink with preparing something we've already cooked. At first we grill 西京漬け of Spanish mackerel (we use the ace in the whole from the beginning!), sauteed salty po…

Finally Opened the Season

The game was really bad for my heart... I completely agree with Mr. Okada's comment on the interview; "It takes so much trouble to win!", "It is really good to fit into 2 point (by Nomi's pitching)" I feel anxious!

Oil Noodle

I bought oil noodle and finally it is delivered; we have it for lunch. I also bought boiled pork, so I slice it and put on the noodle. I regret that this pork is not rib but thigh, but this is tender even I don't expect so much; deli-deli …


I bought もっとえいご漬け immediately today! Last one is practice for the word and its example sentence, this one is mainly dictation on a certain situation. In this case I can hear better :-) Even so, I have been struggled at level test, …


Today's breakfast is toast with leftover pork miso soup. Attendant drink is coffee. Toast is good with coffee, and toast also is good with pork miso soup, but the combination of pork miso soup and coffee is so terrible; I have a bitter smi…

Body Weight

I weigh this morning, and I lose 2kg. I've done such a hard exercise on yesterday's event, haven't I?