



やっとここんとこ取り組んでいた大きな仕事が一段落。家に帰って夕ご飯。今日はピーマンの肉詰めに、付け合わせのほうれん草&コーン。例によって樽生ブラウマイスターを飲みつついただく。うまうまー♪ 実は今日の昼さくすいに行ってみたら、今日の定食が「…


★3緊急クエスト「激闘!雄火龍リオレウス」登場…も、リオレウス強えぇ!何度やっても倒せない! というわけで7回目のチャレンジ中。ちょっと深追いするとすぐ死ぬるのよね…。やっぱ地道にちくちくダメージ与えていくしかないか。


久々にココイチへ。限定の完熟トマトとグリーンアスパラカレーも売り切れ、カレーうどんも売り切れで、グランドメニューとにらめっこ。ナスに心惹かれつつ、結局、チキンカツ+オムエッグの1辛・400gをいただく。 いつもノーマルの辛さで「ちょうどいいか、…




食パンにクリームチーズを塗りたくって朝ごはん。お供にアイスコーヒー。 食パンはあるものの、あんまりトーストという感じじゃなかったので、そのままバター塗るんじゃ塗りにくいなあと思っていたところ、冷蔵庫からKiriを発掘。これは良いものを見つけた、…


The opppnent pitcher was Kawakami Kenshin (Ace of Dragons), when I went off my work with broken heart when score became 1 to 5 behind. When I turned on TV after dinner, it was only 1 point behind at 5 to 6, and Kenemoto just got walk. Imme…

Meat Stuffed Green Bell Pepper

Finally my job I struggled in these days completed the first stage; I came back home to have dinner with my family. Today's dinner was stuffed green bell pepper, and sides was sauteed spinach and corn. We had it with drinking Tarunama Brau…

MHP progress

Emergency quest of 3 stars, "Fierce Fight! Male Fire Dragon Ryoleuos" was appeared... but Ryoleous was too strong! I couldn't beat him even I tried several times! Now this was my seventh try. I easily failed if I chase him a little bit far…


I went to ココイチ after a long time. Tomato and green asparagus curry was sold out, curry udon was also sold out, so had no choice to see grand menu. Eggplant was fascinating to me, but finally I ordered 400g curry of hot grade 1 with chi…

Thursday's Bodycombat road

Tomorrow it will be the day for bodycombat as usual, but I couldn't attend tomorrow's class; I attended a Bodycombat 45minutes class to wend a short road. Today also Mr.H had come (by first train of the day!) Ms.K also attended the class e…

Cream Cheese

I spread cream cheese on a slice of bread loaf and had it, with iced coffee. Though I had bread loaf, but I didn't want to have toast and I worried it was hard to spread butter without toast. Finally I could find Kiri from the refrigerator…